Mac OS Xで仮想マシンのハードディスク領域を拡張


cd /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion
sudo ./vmware-vdiskmanager -x 20GB training-0.2.vmdk 
The selected operation can only be executed on a disk with no snapshots.
sudo ./vmware-vdiskmanager -r  training-0.2.vmdk -t 0 training-0.3.vmdk
Convert: 100% done.
Virtual disk conversion successful.
sudo ./vmware-vdiskmanager -x 20GB training-0.3.vmdk
Grow: 100% done.
Disk expansion completed successfully.

# Download the latest gparted livecd and save to host’s file system

#boot from ISO file when changet the boot seqenuce form bios (restart & F2)

# resize the disk size

# finished and change the boot from disk