
 *   (  )    
 *       a[0],a[1]...a[n];  a[i-1]       ,    a[i] ,       a[i]     
public class BinaryInsertSort {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int len = 10;
		int[] ary = new int[len];
		Random random = new Random();
		for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
			ary[j] = random.nextInt(1000);
		 *      :     ,       ,     ,        :O(n lg n)     ,    ,      O(n^2)
		 *                O(n|logn)。
	 * @param ary
	private static void binaryInsert(int[] ary) {
		int setValueCount = 0;
		//             ,                  
		for (int j = 1; j < ary.length; j++) {//     n
			int key = ary[j];
			// ∆             
//			int index = binarySearchAsc(ary, ary[j], 0, j - 1);//    :O(logn)
//			int index = binarySearchDesc(ary, ary[j], 0, j - 1);//    :O(logn)
			int index = binarySearchDesc2(ary, ary[j], 0, j - 1);//    :O(logn)
			System.out.println(" " + j +"              :" + index);
			//        ,             
			for (int i = j; i > index; i--) {//    ,    :(n-1)+(n-2)+...+n/2=O(n^2)
				ary[i] = ary[i - 1]; //i-1 <==> index
			ary[index] = key;
(setValueCount)=====> " + setValueCount); } /** * * * @param ary * * @param target * * @param from * * @param to * * @return , */ private static int binarySearchAsc(int[] ary, int target, int from, int to) { int range = to - from; // 0, , if (range > 0) { // int mid = (to + from) / 2; // , if (ary[mid] > target) { /* * mid > target, ,target , , target mid , * , from mid-1 , to=mid-1 */ return binarySearchAsc(ary, target, from, mid - 1); } else { /* * mid < target, ,target , , mid+1 */ return binarySearchAsc(ary, target, mid + 1, to); } } else { if (ary[from] > target) {// 5,4, 4 return from; } else { return from + 1; } } } /** * , */ private static int binarySearchDesc(int[] ary, int target, int from, int to) { int range = to - from; if (range > 0) { int mid = (from + to) >>> 1; if (ary[mid] > target) { return binarySearchDesc(ary, target, mid + 1, to); } else { return binarySearchDesc(ary, target, from, mid - 1); } } else { if (ary[from] > target) {// 5,4, 4 return from + 1; } else { return from; } } } /** * , */ private static int binarySearchDesc2(int[] ary, int target, int from, int to) { // while(from < to) { for (; from < to; ) { int mid = (from + to) >>> 1; if (ary[mid] > target) { from = mid + 1; } else { to = mid -1; } } //from <==> to; if (ary[from] > target) {// 5,4, 4 return from + 1; } else { return from; } } private static void printArray(int[] ary) { for (int i : ary) { System.out.print(i + " "); } } }
918 562 442 531 210 216 931 706 333 132  1              :1
918 562 442 531 210 216 931 706 333 132  2              :2
918 562 442 531 210 216 931 706 333 132  3              :2
918 562 531 442 210 216 931 706 333 132  4              :4
918 562 531 442 210 216 931 706 333 132  5              :4
918 562 531 442 216 210 931 706 333 132  6              :0
931 918 562 531 442 216 210 706 333 132  7              :2
931 918 706 562 531 442 216 210 333 132  8              :6
931 918 706 562 531 442 333 216 210 132  9              :9

     (setValueCount)=====> 24
931 918 706 562 531 442 333 216 210 132