Androidプログラムで奇妙なエラーが発生しましたField requires API level 5(current min is 1):......

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Androidプログラムに奇妙なエラーが発生しました Field requires API level 5 (current min is 1): ......
Right click on the project folder > Android tools > Clear Link Markers
Eclipse refuses to build my Android project. In the package explorer, the project root node has the little red error symbol, but nothing else inside of it has this symbol. The Problems tab shows errors detected by Lint:
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.os.AsyncTask#   
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.GestureDetector#   
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#hideSoftInputFromWindow   
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#hideSoftInputFromWindow   
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#showSoftInput
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#showSoftInput
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#showSoftInput
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#toggleSoftInput
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.Menu#getItem 
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.Menu#getItem 
Call requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView#getId 
Call requires API level 5 (current min is 1):    
Call requires API level 5 (current min is 1):    
Call requires API level 5 (current min is 1):    
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager  
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager  
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager  
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager  
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView
Class requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView
Field requires API level 3 (current min is 1): android.os.Build#DISPLAY
Field requires API level 4 (current min is 1): android.content.res.Configuration#screenLayout   
Field requires API level 4 (current min is 1): android.os.Build#CPU_ABI 
Field requires API level 4 (current min is 1): android.os.Build#MANUFACTURER
Field requires API level 4 (current min is 1): android.os.Build$VERSION#SDK_INT

My best guess is that Lint thinks my minSdkVersion is 1, which it isn't; my manifest declares minSdkVersion="8" . I've tried the following in an effort to fix this:
  • Restarting Eclipse
  • Restarting my computer
  • Project > Clean
  • Manually deleting /bin and /gen to force hem to be generated again

  • At this point I'm out of ideas. Anybody have suggestions?
    android eclipse build compiler-errors android-lint
    | improve this question
    Aug 2 at 15:28

    Apr 25 at 19:31

    Do you have other project opened in eclipse? If yes, close all but hte one you're working with (even libraries). Then re-run lint. –  inazaruk
    Apr 25 at 19:39
    I confirm this also happened to me when I moved the working Android project into subfolder on the workspace. Android tools > Clear Link Markers seems a working workaround. –  user197831
    Oct 12 at 9:41
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    2 Answers
    active oldest votes
    up vote
    19 down vote
    I have the same problem, and my solution is:
    Right click on the project folder > Android tools > Clear Link Markers
    "Run Android Lint"makes some markers and the markers cause this error.
    | improve this answer
    Apr 26 at 9:19

    I believe this is what I did, but somehow did it from the Problems tab through right-clicking and selecting something ... I'm honestly not sure what, but I remember a "Clear Lint Markers"being part of it, so this gets the checkmark. –  jdk
    Apr 26 at 17:48
    On other solution is to move a project to the top level of the workspace instead of some subfolder –  Seppl
    Jul 11 at 8:43
    Even on doing this, the error appeared. Needed to close and reopen the project in addition to "Clear Lint Markers". –  tarkeshwar
    Aug 6 at 9:19

    up vote
    0 down vote
    Try right clicking on the project folder > Android tools > fix properties
    You should also check in the build properties that all your android libraries and things are checked and loading in the correct order. Right click on the project > Properties > Build
    | improve this answer
    Apr 25 at 19:59

    El Duderino