
import java.sql.*;

public class Hello {
    private final String oracleDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    private final String oracleUrlToConnect ="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; 
    private Connection myConnection = null;
    private final String loginName="db_xxxx";
    private final String loginPassword="DB_xxxx";
    public Hello()
        catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
            //System.out.println(getErrorMessage(ex,"The Driver loaded error,please contact to your Software Designer!").toString());
"+ex.getStackTrace()); } } public StringBuffer getErrorMessage(Exception ex,String alarmMessage) { StringBuffer errorStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); errorStringBuffer.append(alarmMessage); errorStringBuffer.append(ex.getMessage()); return errorStringBuffer; } /** * getConnection method * @return Connection */ public Connection getConnection() { try { this.myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(oracleUrlToConnect,loginName,loginPassword); //System.out.print("connection successfully"); } catch(Exception ex) { //System.out.println(getErrorMessage(ex,"Can not get connection,please contact to your Software Designer!").toString()); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()+"
"+ex.getStackTrace()); } return this.myConnection; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Hello he = new Hello(); try { Connection conn = he.getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement() ; ResultSet rs =stmt.executeQuery("select xxx from tb_xxx where rownum<=5"); while( { System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); } //System.out.println("Now begin to excute............."); if(rs != null){ // try{ rs.close() ; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace() ; } } if(stmt != null){ // try{ stmt.close() ; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace() ; } } if(conn != null){ // try{ conn.close() ; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace() ; } } } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println(he.getErrorMessage(ex,"Application error,please contact to your Software Designer!").toString()); } } }

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