コード変換ツールCode Converter 2013

1726 ワード

This is a Code Converter that uses four different DLL files from around the .NET community. The DLL files I used are FastColoredTextBox.dll, ConversionWrapper.dll, ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll, and rsp.ConVert.dll. I came up with this Idea mainly from the FastColoredTextBox . Then I discovered the VS Addin ( CodeConvert ), both can be found here on CodeProject . I use the same DLL that the VS add-in uses. The ICSharpCode.NRefactory DLL can be found at their website . FastColoredTextBox is used for the syntax coloring. CodeConvert is referenced and does just as it says. The ICSharpCode.NRefactory DLL accompanies the CodeConvert.dll file.
rspConVert.dll is a remake of Deniz Ezen's Econ.NetVert.Dll . I stripped out the asp.net part as I could not get it to work. I also re-edited some of his code to work with my program. I added Project Conversions and Post fix for the files of the project conversion.