
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node;
typedef struct node *Ptrtonode;//   p   struct node   
typedef Ptrtonode list;//list   ptrtonode     ,           
typedef Ptrtonode position;//               position          
list makelist(list L);//       ,     list   makelist      ,     list
int isempty(list L);//        ,       true
int islast(position P,list L);//P          ,       position
position find (int x,list L);// L       x
void delete(int x,list L); 
void insert(int x,list L,position P);//P     , x      L P      x
position findprevious(int x,list L); 
position header(list L);//       
position first(list L);//  
position advance(position P);//  
int retrieve(position P);//retrieve      ,  ,    
void printlist(list L); 
struct node{
  int data;
  position next;

void main(){
  list L;
  int n;
  L = makelist(list L); 
  printf("0 represent the element you want to look for in the list
"); printf("1 represent the element you want to delete in the list
"); printf("2 represent the element you want to insert in the list
"); // scanf("%d",&n); while (n == 0 || n == 1|| n == 2){ prinf("please input choose:
"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n){ case '0': printf("please input element you want to look for:
"); int c; position P; scanf("%d",&c); P= find(c,L); printf("%s",P); case '1': printf("please input element you want to delete:
"); int c; scanf("%d",&c); delete(c,L); case '2': printf("please input element you want to insert:
"); int c;
            position P;
         return "choosing error";

void printlist(list L){
  position P;
  P = header(L);
  printf("the list is :
"); if(P != NULL) do { printf("%d--",P -> data); p = P -> next; }while(P != NULL); } list makelist(list L){ position P; P =L; P -> next = NULL; return P; } int isempty(list L){//return true if empty return L-> next == NULL; } int islast(position P,list L){//ruturn true if P is the last position in list L.parametre( , ) L is unused in this implementation( , ) return P -> next == NULL;//judge if the list is last ,if the list is null ,the return's value is true(1) } position find (int x,list L){//look for the present node x position P; p = L -> next; while(P != NULL && P -> data != x) P = P -> next; return P; } void delete (int x,list L){ position P,tmpcell; p = findprevious(x,L); if(!islast(P,L)){ tmpcell = P -> next; p -> next = tmpcell -> next; free(tmpcell);
    printf("the list is null
"); } position findprevious(x,L){//look for the next node x position P; P = L; while(P -> next != NULL && P -> next -> data != x) P = P -> next; return P; } void insert(int x,list L,position P){ position tmpcell; tmpcell = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(tmp == NULL) printf("out of space"); tmpcell -> data = x; tmpcell -> next = P -> next; P -> next = tmpcell; print(L); }