Pytorch-YOLOv 3データセット作成フロー

Pytorch-YOLOv 3を使って自分のデータセットを訓練する
1.ネットワーク構造ファイルyolov 3_の生成custom.cfg
cd config/
bash   #num-classes is the num of classes
ps:  kmeans        ,  anchor,  yolov3_custom.cfg  anchor    

Add class names to data/custom/classes.names. This file should have one row per class name.

Move the images of your dataset to data/custom/images/

Move your annotations to data/custom/labels/

One txt corresponds to a jpg

Each row in the annotation file should define one bounding box, using the syntax label_idx 
x_center y_center width height. The coordinates should be scaled [0, 1](Divide by width 
and height), and the label_idx should be zero-indexed and correspond to the row number of 
the class name in data/custom/classes.names.
import sys,os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from string import Template
import argparse
    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def GetLabel_id(ClassNameFile):
    get label id according to the classnamefile
    :param ClassNameFile:

    Label_dic = {}
    Label_id = 0

    fp = open(ClassNameFile,'r')
    lines = fp.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        line = line[:-1]
        Label_dic[line] = Label_id
        Label_id += 1

    return Label_dic

def xml2txt(XmlPath, TxtPath, ClassNameFile):
    Convert dataset annotations from xml format to txt format
    :param XmlPath:
    :param TxtPath:
    :param ClassNameFile:

    # get label id
    Label_dic = GetLabel_id(ClassNameFile)

    # txt label template
    s = Template("$label_id $xcenter $ycenter $width $height
") # xml to txt xmllist = os.listdir(XmlPath) for xmlfile in xmllist: fp = open(os.path.join(TxtPath,xmlfile[:-3]+'txt'),'w') tree = ET.ElementTree(file=os.path.join(XmlPath,xmlfile)) root = tree.getroot() ObjectSet = root.findall('object') ObjBndBoxSet = {} width = float(root.find('size').find('width').text) height = float(root.find('size').find('height').text) for Object in ObjectSet: ObjName = Object.find('name').text BndBox = Object.find('bndbox') x1 = float(BndBox.find('xmin').text) y1 = float(BndBox.find('ymin').text) x2 = float(BndBox.find('xmax').text) y2 = float(BndBox.find('ymax').text) # get txt format label_id = Label_dic[ObjName] xcenter = (x1 + x2)/2.0/width ycenter = (y1 + y2)/2.0/height w = (x2 - x1)/width h = (y2 - y1)/height fp.write(s.substitute(label_id = label_id,xcenter = xcenter, ycenter = ycenter, width = w, height = h)) fp.close()

In data/custom/train.txt and data/custom/valid.txt, add paths to images that will be used as train
and validation data respectively.
import sys,os
import cv2
import argparse
import numpy as np

def split_train_val(ImgPath, TrainRatio, TxtPath):
    get train.txt and val.txt
    :param ImgPath:
    :param TrainRatio:
    :param TxtPath:
    fp_train = open(os.path.join(TxtPath,'train.txt'),'w')
    fp_val = open(os.path.join(TxtPath,'valid.txt'),'w')
    imglist = os.listdir(ImgPath)
    imgnum = len(imglist)
    rand = np.arange(imgnum)
    trainnum = int(imgnum * TrainRatio)
    valnum = int(imgnum - trainnum)
    for i in range(trainnum):
        fp_train.write(os.path.join(ImgPath,imglist[rand[i]]) + '
') for i in range(valnum): fp_val.write(os.path.join(ImgPath,imglist[rand[i+trainnum]]) + '
') fp_train.close() fp_val.close()

--model_def config/yolov3-custom.cfg
--data_config --data_config config/
--pretrained_weights  weights/darknet53.conv.74

python --model_def config/yolov3-custom.cfg --data_config config/ --pretrained_weights weights/darknet53.conv.74

python -W ignore --model_def config/yolov3-custom.cfg --data_config config/ --pretrained_weights weights/darknet53.conv.74