
create database person charset utf8;	--      
show DATABASES;	--      
drop database person; --      
use person; --      

date         #--   2014-09-18
time         --   08:42:30
datetime     --     2014-09-18 08:42:30
timestamp    --          
year         --   
tinyint      -- 1byte (-128~127)  
smallint     -- 2byte (-32768~32767)
mediumint    -- 3byte (-8388608~8388607)
int          -- 4byte (-2147483648~2147483647)
bigint       -- 8byte (+-9.22*10 18  )
float(m,d)   -- 4byte       ,m   ,d   
double(m,d)  -- 8byte       ,m   ,d   
decimal(m,d) -- decimal           
char(n)      --     ,  255   
varchar(n)   --     ,  65535   
tinytext     --     ,  255   
text         --     ,  65535   
mediumtext   --     ,  2 24  -1   
longtext     --     ,  2 32  -1   

not null  --   
unique  --   ,     unique key
primary key --   ,      
foreign key references --   
auto_increment --   ,        
DEFAULT null   --    :null
COMMENT '  '  --   :  
  :         :
       :      :
      --       sid     stu   sid,            fk_stu_score1_sid
      CONSTRAINT fk_stu_score1_sid FOREIGN KEY(sid) REFERENCES stu(sid)
      FOREIGN KEY(sid) REFERENCES stu(sid)

       --   score1   sid      stu  sid,            fk_sid

create table t_stu(
	sid int primary key auto_increment,
	sname varchar(20) unique not null,
	sage int not null	
)auto_increment = 001;

create table if not exists t_score(
	scid int primary key auto_increment,
	sid int not null,
	yuwen int,
	shuxue int,
	yingyu INT

alter table t_score add constraint stuscore_sid foreign key(sid) references t_stu(sid)

desc t_stu;
desc t_score;

create table gaofei(id int primary key auto_increment) --    

drop table gaofei; --     ,      

-- =========================     ===========================
create table test(
	id int primary key auto_increment,
	name varchar(20)

-- ==================   ====================

  1、alter table     rename    ;
alter table test rename test1;

-- ==================        ====================
  2、alter table    modify           ;
alter table test1 modify name char(20);

-- -------          ------------
  3、alter table    change                  ;
alter table test1 change name names varchar(50);

-- -------      -------------------
  4、alter table    modify         after       /first
alter table test1 modify name varchar(50) after id;

-- ==================     ====================
  5、alter table    add             (    ‘ :not null’)(  ‘first’);
alter table test1 add age int(20);

  6、alter table    add              (    ) after       ;
alter table test1 add places VARCHAR(20) after id;

-- ==================    ===================
  7、alter table    drop    ;
alter table test1 drop places;

-- t_stu
--              null         
insert into t_stu values(sid,'zss',21);

insert into t_stu values(null,'l5',21);

insert into t_stu(sname,sage) values('w5',21);

insert into t_stu(sname,sage) values('z7',22),('s8',22);  --       ,     

select * from t_stu;  -- 110  
-- t_score
insert into t_score values(scid,1,11,12,13);
insert into t_score values(scid,5,11,16,63);
insert into t_score values(scid,3,11,82,73);
insert into t_score values(scid,4,11,92,99);

select * from t_score; -- 110  

-- select      from     where   
select * from t_score; -- 110  

select * from t_stu;  -- 110  

create table gaofei(id int primary key auto_increment) --    

truncate table gaofei; --         ,     

delete from gaofei; --         ,     
delete from gaofei where id=1; --            

update t_stu set sage=90;  --     

update t_stu set sage = 99,sname='donghao' where sid > 5  --          

--       > < >= <= = (!= <> )       
select * from t_score;

select * from t_score where yingyu > 60; 
select * from t_score where shuxue >= 60;
select * from t_score where shuxue < 50;
select * from t_score where shuxue <= 50;
select * from t_score where shuxue = 50;
select * from t_score where shuxue != 50;
select * from t_score where shuxue <> 50;

--       and:   or:   not:
select * from t_score where yingyu > 60 and shuxue > 60;

select * from t_score where yingyu > 60 or shuxue >90;

select * from t_score where not yingyu = 73;  --      !=   
select * from t_score where not (yingyu > 60 and shuxue > 60);

--       like
--    :
--  _ :     
--  % :  0      
-- escape :    ,        

select * from t_stu where sname like '_aofe_';
select * from t_stu where sname like binary '%a%'; --             binary

select * from t_stu where sname like '%g%'; --     a
select * from t_stu where sname like 'a%';  --    a  

select * from t_stu where sname like '/_%/%%' escape '/'; --  /      

--     :rlike   regexp 
-- . :        
-- + :          
-- * :  0       
-- []:      []    
-- ^ :    
-- $ :    
-- {n}:    n 
--  []:          
-- [^]:            
-- a|b :  a  b

select * from t_stu where sname rlike '^[gaofei]';

select * from t_stu where sname rlike 'a+';

-- select * from t_stu where sname REGEXP '\\w+';   --       
select * from t_stu where sname binary REGEXP 'a+'; --             binary

--       like  relike、regexp    :
--    :
--          ,      , where        binary

--    :
--            ,       : 
-- - SQL   LIKE             ;      REGEXP             。 
-- - LIKE           。REGEXP                 ,         。

--    order BY
--    asc  (  )
--    desc 
select * from t_stu order by sid; 
select * from t_stu order by sid desc;

-- distinct :        
--   :(1)distinct                     ,
-- 	                 ,                。
-- 	    distinct          ,         ,
-- 			(2)distinct           ,    

select distinct sage from t_stu;
select distinct sage,sid from t_stu;  --     (sage + sid)  ,                 

-- null          
-- null :       is null    is not NULL
--     :   
-- --  :         null , is null  ,      ,           
select * from t_score  where shuxue is NULL;

select * from t_score where shuxue = '90';

select * from t_score where shuxue != 0 and shuxue is not null;

select * from t_score;  -- 110  

12、between ... and ...
--    between A and B             
select * from t_score where shuxue between 50 and 90; 

select * from t_score where shuxue >= 50 and shuxue <= 90;


-- in :     ,   or  
select * from t_score where shuxue in (90,82,30);

select * from t_score where shuxue = 90 or shuxue = 82 or shuxue = 30;


14、groupbyグループクエリー  ,with rollup ,  coalesce------100疑問  select後に*またはパケットフィールドと一致しない場合でも実行可能であることを検出
-- ===============group by======================

-- group by     ,   by             
--   :group by    ,           ,        
--      select               。
--    ,           
-- having :                ,   where   
--   :         having  ,      where  !!
-- where:      ,            ,where            !!!

--        :
where ------>  group by  -----> having

select sname,count(1) from t_stu GROUP BY sname;

select count(1) from t_stu;

select *,count(1) from t_score GROUP BY shuxue;

--     ,where         
-- !!!select *,count(1) from t_score where count(1)=1 GROUP BY shuxue;  

-- ===================rollup====================

	--  group by               。
select *,count(1) from t_score GROUP BY shuxue with ROLLUP;

-- ===================coalesce==================

	--       rollup            coalesce
    -- coalesce(a,b,c);
            :  a==null,   b;  b==null,   c;  a!=null,   a;  a b c   null ,    null(   )。
	--   :

select coalesce(shuxue,'  ') as '  ',count(1) from t_score GROUP BY shuxue with rollup;

15、サブクエリ  および  ネストされたサブクエリ
-- ==================   =================
/*      ?
	1、                         。
	      =,             in
       not in 
       =  !=
	   >  <  <>
	  1            in
select * from t_stu where sid = (select sid from t_score where shuxue = 92);

select * from t_stu where sid in (select sid from t_score where shuxue = 12);

select * from t_stu where sid in (select sid from t_score where shuxue in (92,12));

select * from t_stu where sid not in (select sid from t_score where shuxue in (92,12));

-- ==============     ================

select * from t_stu where sid in (select sid from t_score where shuxue in (select shuxue from t_score where yingyu=13))

--     delete,update,                  
delete from t_score where sid in (select sid from t_stu where sname='gaofei');

update t_stu set sname='feifei' where sid in (select sid from t_score where shuxue = 12);

17、existsキーワード:        サブクエリが少なくとも1行のデータ(すなわち、検出行の存在)を返すかどうかを確認し、trueまたはfalseの値を返します.
--      =100     ,         
select * from t_stu where not exists (select * from t_score where shuxue = 100); 

--   ~:
select * from t_stu where sid not in (select sid from t_score where  shuxue = 100);

-- ====================    ========================

		          select   ,        ,     
		   from                ,          
		    where  ,   =   ,         。
select s.sid ,s.sname from t_stu s,t_score r where s.sid = r.sid and r.shuxue = 12;
select * from t_stu s,t_score r where s.sid = r.sid and r.shuxue = 12;

--    :
select e1.* from emp e1,(select d.dname '    ',avg(e.epay) 'avg' ,e.did from dept d,emp e where d.did=e.did group by d.dname) e2 
where e1.did=e2.did and e1.epay>e2.avg;   --           e2,             ,e1                ,           。

-- ======================   =======================
--    inner join...on,   , 2               ,         。

select * from t_stu s inner join t_score r on s.sid = r.sid;

-- =====================    ======================
--    left join,          ,        ,            ,   null

select * from t_stu s left join t_score r on s.sid = r.sid;

-- =====================    =======================
--    right join,           ,       ,            ,   null

select * from t_stu s right join t_score r on s.sid = r.sid;

-- =====================    =======================
--    union,          select      。  , 2         ,        ,   null
--    select      、  、        

select * from t_stu where sid in (1,2)
select * from t_stu where sid in (5,6)

-- ==============================================================
select now(); --          
select curdate();	--        
select curtime();	--        

-- ==============================================================

  select date_add(    ,interval              );
  select date_sub(    ,interval              );

select DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 month); --       
select DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 quarter); --        
select date_add(curdate(),interval 1 year); --      
select date_add(curdate(),interval 1 day); --   

select DATE_sub(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 month); --       
select DATE_sub(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 quarter); --        
select date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 year); --      
select date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 day); --   

select date_add(curdate(),interval 10 day); -- 10  
select date_add('2018-1-1',interval 356 day); -- 2018-1-1 356      

-- ==============================================================

    :datediff(    ,    )
select DATEDIFF('2019-1-4',curdate())
select datediff(curdate(),'2019-1-5')

-- !!!select datediff(CURTIME(),'00:29:10') -- 101  ,     ,       
--             110          

-- ==============================================================
   :date(       )
select date(curdate());
select date(now());
select date(curtime());  --  Null,    date  
select date('2018-11-18 00:34:45');

-- ==============================================================
     /*  date    (1=   ,2=   ,……7=   ) */
select dayofweek(curdate());

select concat('     :',dayofweek(now())-1) 'dayofweek';

-- ==============================================================
    /*  date        ( 1 31   )*/
select DAYOFMONTH(now());
select DAYOFMONTH(CURTIME()); --       Null

-- ==============================================================
    /*  date        ( 1 366   )*/
select dayofyear(now());

-- ==============================================================
    /*  date      */ 
     /*  date      */ 
     /*  date   (   1000 9999)*/ 
    /*  date          */

select month(now());
select day(now());
select year(now());
select quarter(now());

-- ==============================================================
 /*  date       (first   0,first  1         ,0     )*/
select week(now(),1);

-- ==============================================================
   /*  format      date */
select date_format(now(),'%y=%m=%d=%h=%m=%s');

-- ==============================================================
   /*        /       ,   、 、 、 、  、    。*/

select extract(year from now());
select extract(month from now());
select extract(day from now());
select extract(quarter from now());
select extract(hour from now());
select extract(minute from now());
select extract(second from now());

-- ==============================================================
timestampdiff() :             
/*select timestampdiff(      ,    ,    );*/
select timestampdiff(day,'2017-4-9','2017-8-9');
select datediff('2017-8-9','2017-4-9');

select timestampdiff(year,'2017-4-9','2018-8-9');

-- ==============================================================
last_day()   :          
select last_day('2017-7-8');
select last_day(now());

-- ===========================   =============================
select dayofweek(curdate() - 1);
select dayofweek(curdate()) - 1;  --         ,          0
select quarter(curdate());
select day(last_day(curdate()));
select dayofweek(date_sub(curdate(),interval day(curdate())-1 day)) - 1;
select date_sub(curdate(),interval dayofweek(curdate()-1)-1 day);  


-- ==============================================================
/*   concat(str1,str2,…)  concat               
     concat_ws(x,s1,s2,...)  concat(s1,s2,...)  ,            x 
select concat('a','b','c');
select concat_ws('*','a','b','c');  --       

-- ==============================================================
left(str, length)
       :left(     ,    )
select left('abc',2);

-- ==============================================================
right (str , length)
       :left(     ,    )
select right('abc',2);

-- ==============================================================
     substring(str, pos)  pos         
     substring(str, pos, length)  pos      length    
       :substring(     ,        ) 
     substring(     ,        ,    )
select substring('abcdefg',2);
select substring('abcdefg',2,2);

-- ==============================================================
select char_length('abcdefg');

-- ==============================================================
    s2  s1 x       len    
select insert('abcdefg',2,2,'123'); --  2           123

-- ==============================================================
upper(s):     s           
select upper('abcDEfgH');

-- ==============================================================
lower(s):     s           
select lower('abcDEfgH');

-- ==============================================================
trim(s) : 
           ,            :
		UPDATE tablename SET field = REPLACE(REPLACE(field, CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), '');

	MySQL trim            ,         ,   MySQL replace  ,       

		UPDATE `tran` 
		SET `status` = '1' 
		WHERE trim( trim( 
		BOTH '\r
' FROM content ) ) = ' ' trim, , , php trim 。 */ select trim(' abc '); reverse(s) : /* s */ select reverse('abcdefg');

abs(1) --     
ceil(x) --     
floor(x) --     
rand() --   0-1    ,  0   1
pi() --      (3.141593)
round(x,y) --   x    y   ,           
truncate(x,y) --     x       y   ( round              )
pow(x,y)   power(x,y) --   x y  
sqrt(x) --   x    
mod(x,y) --   x  y     

select sqrt(4);
select mod(5.5,3);
select mod(5,2);
select pow(2,4);
select power(2,4);

    :create index      on   (   );
        alter table    add index     (   );
create index suoyin on t_stu(sid);

    : drop index      on   ;
drop index suoyin on t_stu;
/*    */
show index from tblname;

                ,         。
        ,                   。
  ,                 ,            。
             ,           ,            。
         ,                   。
                ,          ,               。
1.      ,                ,                 
2.        ,    ,              。
3.         ,                  。
      ,        。
order by
compute by   

    :create view      as     
create view view_a as select s.sid,sname,shuxue,yingyu from t_stu s,t_score r where s.sid=r.sid;

    :select * from     ;
select * from view_a;

    :drop view     ;*/
drop view view_a;

    :insert into     (  1,  2,...) values ( 1, 2,....);
	       ,                         ,       
insert into view_a(shuxue) values(66);

  update      set   1=  1 where   2= 2;
update view_a set shuxue = 100 where sid = 1;
select * from view_a;

  with check option    
    :create view      as       with check option;
  --      ,    with check option  ,
  --                 ,                 where     

		1.  update, with check option,   update ,           
		2.  delete,  with check option    
		4.  insert, with check option,   insert ,           
		5.    where      ,  with check option    
create view view_b as select s.sid,s.sname,r.shuxue,r.yingyu from t_stu s,t_score r with check option;
drop view view_b;

    : alter view      as     
alter view view_b as select * from t_stu with check option;
select * from view_b;