
2984 ワード

Windowsにはコンパイルすなわちmake問題があるので、この問題を解決するために特別な方法が必要ですが、インストールプロセスの原理は同じで、違いはありません.1.あなたのオペレーティングシステムに基づいて最新のB 2 G installerをダウンロード ,解凍する.(もちろん毎日構築版を見つけてここをクリックすることができます)2.gitツールをインストールせずにgaiaファイルを直接ダウンロードすることができます.ここをクリックしてダウンロードします.3.gaia-profileをb 2 g(さっきダウンロードした解凍後のb 2 gディレクトリ)ディレクトリに解凍します.4.同時に、b 2 gディレクトリでb 2 g.exeを右クリックして「ショートカットの作成」を選択します.5.マウスの右クリックで作成したショートカット、「プロパティ」をクリックし、「ターゲット」テキストボックスに次のコードを追加します.
-profile"C:<あなたのb 2 gディレクトリパス>gaia-profile"次のように追加します.
d:\b2g\b2g.exe -profile "d:\b2g\gaia-profile"
Episode Summary
Mozilla has released a beta test of their new Mobile Operating System. This video shows you how to install it on Windows to test it out.
How To Install
The Firefox dev platform is made to run on Mac and Linux, so it'll be easier to install. You can find a simple guide here. But basically the process is as follows:
Firefox Mobile OS
Download the latest B2G isntaller] for your Operating system (you can find nightly builds here).
Use Git to download a Gaia profile for the Firefox OS to use.
git clone git://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia

Use GCC to actually compile the profile
make -C gaia profile

On Linux, use the command below to launch the program, where/path/to/b2g is the actual path to the desktop build on your machine
/path/to/b2g -profile gaia/profile

On a Mac, use the command below to launch the program, where is your Mac username
/Applications/B2G.app/Contents/MacOS/b2g -profile /Users/<your username>/gaia/profile

Since windows doesn't have a build in option to "make"the profile, we kind of have to use a workaround. Otherwise, it's essentially the same.
Download the latest B2G isntaller] for your Operating system and unzip it to your computer (you can find nightly builds here).
Instead of installing "git", I've uploaded a gaia-profile to my website that you can download.
Unzip the gaia-profile to your b2g folder that you downloaded
Also, in your b2g folder, right-click on b2g.exe and choose "create shortcut"
In the "target"textbox, add -profile "C:\\gaia-profile". Essentially it will look something like this:
C:\Users\<your username>\Desktop\b2g\b2g.exe -profile "C:\Users\<your username>\Desktop\b2g\gaia-profile"

Double click on the shortcut and it should load the interface
A Word Of Warning
This release is not meant to be an entirely functional version. If you're not a curious early adopter, there's no really reason to download and try this. It's only for those that want to see what Firefox is up to.