
4142 ワード

#! /usr/bin/env python2
__metaclass__ = type

import os, sys

class Addr():
    ADDR_PATH = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts'
    def get_device(self):
        tl_device = []
        for a, b, files in os.walk(self.ADDR_PATH):
        for file in files:
            if 'ifcfg' in file and file != 'ifcfg-lo':
        return tl_device

    def reload_device(self, tl_device):
        for device in tl_device:
            stop_cmd = 'ifdown ' + device
            start_cmd = 'ifup ' + device

    def get_uuid(self, device):
        file = self.ADDR_PATH + '/ifcfg-' + device
        for line in open(file, 'r').readlines():
            if 'UUID' in line:
                line = line.split('=')[1]
                line = line.strip('"')
                line = line.strip('
') line = line.strip('"') uuid = line.strip('
') return uuid def get_gateway(self, ipaddr): if '192.168.1' in ipaddr: gateway = '' else: gateway = '.'.join(ipaddr.split('.')[0:3]) + '.2' return gateway def get_dns(self, ipaddr): if '192.168.1' in ipaddr: dns = '' else: dns = '.'.join(ipaddr.split('.')[0:3]) + '.12' return dns def analyse_addr_config_files(self): tl_device = self.get_device() self.reload_device(tl_device) td_devices = {} for device in tl_device: cmd = 'ifconfig -v ' + device cmd_ifconfig = os.popen(cmd).readlines() for line in cmd_ifconfig: if 'inet' in line and 'inet6' not in line: ipaddr = ''.join([x for x in line.split('netmask')[0].split('inet')[1] if x != ' ']) netmask = ''.join([x for x in line.split('netmask')[1].split('broadcast')[0] if x != ' ']) td_devices[device] = {'IPADDR': ipaddr, 'NETMASK': netmask} if 'ether' in line: hwaddr = ''.join([x for x in line.split('ether')[1].split('txqueuelen')[0] if x != ' ']) td_devices[device]['HWADDR'] = hwaddr uuid = self.get_uuid(device) td_devices[device]['UUID'] = uuid td_devices[device]['TYPE'] = 'Ethernet' td_devices[device]['BOOTPROTO'] = 'static' td_devices[device]['NAME'] = device td_devices[device]['DEVICE'] = device td_devices[device]['ONBOOT'] = 'yes' td_devices[device]['NM_CONTROLLED'] = 'yes' td_devices[device]['GATEWAY'] = self.get_gateway(td_devices[device]['IPADDR']) td_devices[device]['DNS1'] = self.get_dns(td_devices[device]['IPADDR']) return td_devices def create_addr_dict(self): td_devices = self.analyse_addr_config_files() for device in td_devices: file = self.ADDR_PATH + '/ifcfg-' + device bak_file = open('/tmp/ifcfg-' + device, 'w') for line in open(file, 'r').readlines(): bak_file.write(line) bak_file.close() after_file = open(file, 'w') td_device = td_devices[device] for colum in td_device: after_file.write(colum + '=' + td_device[colum] + '
') after_file.close() if '__main__' == __name__: a = Addr() a.create_addr_dict()