
#   ,       ,        ,       ,         
import random
  (1),  (2), (3)                
 python ,      ,             - - -    
import random

player = int(input("          (1),  (2), (3):"))
computer = random.randint(1,3) #   1 3   1 3,  :            ,    
print("         %d -       : %d" % (player,computer))
#      if               8      
if ((player == 1 and computer == 2)
        or (player == 2 and computer == 3)
        or (player == 3 and computer == 1)):

    print("    ")
elif player == computer:
    print("   ")
    print("    ")
while     :while                 
#   5  hello python
i = 1
while i <= 5:
    print("Hello Python")
    i = i + 1
print("    ,i=%d" % i)
=:         c=a+b  a+b        c
+=:        c+=a     c=c+a
-=:        c-=a     c=c-a
*=:            /=:          
//=:         c//=a     c =c//a
%= :  (  )      c%=a     c = c%a
**=:        c**=a    c=c**a
python      :          ,         0  
#    0 100                       
j = 0
all_num = 0
while j <= 100:
    all_num = all_num + j
    j += 1
print("    :%d" % all_num)
#   0-100       
t = 0
ou_num = 0
while t <= 100:
    o = t % 2
    if o == 0:
        ou_num += t
    t += 1
print("   : %d" % ou_num)
break   continue              
break:       ,    ,           
continue:       ,          
break continue           
m = 0
while m < 10:
    m += 1
    if m == 4: #  m == 4       
    print("    ")
#  continue  
a = 0
while a< 10:
    if a == 4:
        print("a  %d ,continue  " % a)
        a += 2
        #           ,             ,        
    print("a   :%d" % a)
    a += 1
g = 1;
while g <= 5:
    print("*" * g)
    g += 1
      ,print        ,            
           ,   print            , end=""
   ""       print        ,         
print("*",end="  ")
print("print     ")

row = 1
while row <= 5:
    col = 1
    while col <= row:
        print("*" , end="")
        col += 1
    row += 1
rows = 1
while rows <= 9:
    cols = 1
    while cols <= rows:
        print("%d*%d=%d\t" %(cols,rows,rows*cols),end="" )
        cols += 1
    rows += 1
\t            ,                 

\\ \' \" \t
\r """ print("hello
python") print("hello \" hello \' hello \\ hello")