【漢化】YES.159–Luntic Pack–Action Beginning and End Effects

3704 ワード

This plugin requires the following plugins:このプラグインには次のプラグインが必要です.-Battle Engine Core
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugin(s)in the plugin manager.このプラグインをプラグインマネージャの上記のプラグインの下に配置します.Sometimes, we’d like to add additional effects to our actions in battle. These effects can range from adding more HP, applying a new state to the user after everything else has happened, removing debuffs, playing an animation,or even absorbing a fraction of all the total damage directly dealt by the action this turn.This Luntic Pack provides a new batch of effects that you can use to empower your items and skills,or to even globalize them as a result of states.時には、戦闘中の行動に追加の効果を追加したい.例えばHPをもっと増やしたり、新しい状態を加えたり、BUFFを取り除いたり、動画を再生したり、ダメージを吸収したりします.この拡張パッケージは新しい効果を提供し、あなたの物品とスキルを強化することができます.NOTE:This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+.You can still use this plugin with a lower version number,but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.注意:このプラグインはRPG Maker MVバージョン1.5.0+に使用されます.
For updated versions of the notetags,please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.注釈コードの更新バージョンについては、プラグインのヘルプファイルを参照してください.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+,you can add new noteag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing noteag effects from the plugin parameters entry:Effect Code.It should look something like this:JavaScriptに詳しいユーザーには、カスタム効果を追加できます
// ---------
// Animation
// ---------
if (data.match(/ANIMATION[ ](\d+)/i)) {
  var animationId = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  var mirror = data.match(/MIRROR/i);
  if (data.match(/DELAY[ ](\d+)/i)) {
    var delay = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  } else {
    var delay = 0;
  user.startAnimation(animationId, mirror, delay);


// -------------------------------
// Add new effects above this line
// -------------------------------
} else {
  skip = true;

Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:コードで使用される各変数の意味は次のとおりです.
  --------------------   ---------------------------------------------------
  Variable:              Refers to:
  --------------------   ---------------------------------------------------
  item                   The item being used by this action
  skill                  The skill being used by this action

  isItem                 Returns true if action is an item
  isSkill                Returns true if action is a skill

  a                      Returns the action user
  user                   Returns the action user
  subject                Returns the action user

  b                      Returns the action's current target
  target                 Returns the action's current target

  s[x]                   Return switch x (true/false)
  v[x]                   Return variable x's current value

  user._result           The current results for the user
  target._result         The current results for the target
  userPreviousResult     The results for the user before any changes
  targetPreviousResult   The results for the target before any changes

  totalHpDamage          The total amount of HP damage dealt this action
  totalMpDamage          The total amount of MP damage dealt this action

  skip                   Default: false. If true, popups will show

If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state,delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again.The code will be back to default.エフェクトコードを元の状態に戻す必要がある場合は、プラグインマネージャリストからプラグインを削除し、再追加してください.コードはデフォルトに戻ります.
Happy RPG Making!