
11493 ワード

作者:金良[email protected])csdnブログ:
jblas is a fast linea algebrara library for Java.jblas is based on BLAS and LAPACK,the de-facto industry standard for matrax computations,and uses state-off-the-art implementsations like ATLAS for all compart
ホームページの住所: ライブラリのAPIドキュメントのアドレス: Javaプロジェクトではjar包のファイルを導入すればいいです.
jblas-Fast matrix computations for Java龚2.共役勾配の低下の例:
import org.jblas.*;
import static org.jblas.DoubleMatrix.*;
import static org.jblas.MatrixFunctions.*;

/** * Example of how to implement conjugate gradienst with jblas. * * Again, the main objective of this code is to show how to use * jblas, not how to package/modularize numerical code in Java ;) * * Closely follows */
public class CG {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new CG().runExample();

    void runExample() {
        int n = 100;
        double w = 1;
        double lambda = 1e-6;
        DoubleMatrix[] ds = sincDataset(n, 0.1);
        DoubleMatrix A = gaussianKernel(w, ds[0], ds[0]).add( eye(n).mul(lambda) );
        DoubleMatrix x = zeros(n);
        DoubleMatrix b = ds[1];

        cg(A, b, x, lambda);

    DoubleMatrix cg(DoubleMatrix A, DoubleMatrix b, DoubleMatrix x, double thresh) {
        int n = x.length;
        DoubleMatrix r = b.sub(A.mmul(x));
        DoubleMatrix p = r.dup();
        double alpha = 0, beta = 0;
        DoubleMatrix r2 = zeros(n), Ap = zeros(n);
        while (true) {
            A.mmuli(p, Ap);
            alpha = /;
                r.subi(Ap.mul(alpha), r2);
            double error = r2.norm2();
            System.out.printf("Residual error = %f
, error); if (error < thresh) break; beta = /; r2.addi(p.mul(beta), p); DoubleMatrix temp = r; r = r2; r2 = temp; } return x; } /** * Compute the Gaussian kernel for the rows of X and Z, and kernel width w. */ public static DoubleMatrix gaussianKernel(double w, DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix Z) { DoubleMatrix d = Geometry.pairwiseSquaredDistances(X.transpose(), Z.transpose()); return exp(d.div(w).neg()); } /** * The sinc function (save version). * * This version is save, as it replaces zero entries of x by 1. * Then, sinc(0) = sin(0) / 1 = 1. * */ DoubleMatrix safeSinc(DoubleMatrix x) { return sin(x).div(x.add(x.eq(0))); } /** * Create a sinc data set. * * X ~ uniformly from -4..4 * Y ~ sinc(x) + noise * gaussian noise. */ DoubleMatrix[] sincDataset(int n, double noise) { DoubleMatrix X = rand(n).mul(8).sub(4); DoubleMatrix Y = safeSinc(X) .add( randn(n).mul(noise) ); return new DoubleMatrix[] {X, Y}; } }
import org.jblas.*;
import static org.jblas.DoubleMatrix.*;
import static org.jblas.MatrixFunctions.*;

/** * A simple example which computes kernel ridge regression using jblas. * * This code is by no means meant to be an example of how you should do * machine learning in Java, as there is absolutely no encapsulation. It * is rather just an example of how to use jblas to perform different kinds * of computations. */
public class KRR {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 1000;
        double w = Double.valueOf(args[0]);
        double lambda = Double.valueOf(args[1]);

        new KRR().run(n, w, lambda);

    void run(int n, double w, double lambda) {
        DoubleMatrix[] ds = sincDataset(n, 0.1);
        DoubleMatrix alpha = learnKRR(ds[0], ds[1], w, lambda);
        DoubleMatrix Yh = predictKRR(ds[0], ds[0], w, alpha);
        DoubleMatrix XE = rand(1000).mul(8).sub(4);
        System.out.printf("Mean squared error = %.5f
, mse(Yh, ds[1])); } /** * The sinc function. * * This version is not save since it divides by zero if one * of the entries of x are zero. */ DoubleMatrix sinc(DoubleMatrix x) { return sin(x).div(x); } /** * The sinc function (save version). * * This version is save, as it replaces zero entries of x by 1. * Then, sinc(0) = sin(0) / 1 = 1. * */ DoubleMatrix safeSinc(DoubleMatrix x) { return sin(x).div(x.add(x.eq(0))); } /** * Create a sinc data set. * * X ~ uniformly from -4..4 * Y ~ sinc(x) + noise * gaussian noise. */ DoubleMatrix[] sincDataset(int n, double noise) { DoubleMatrix X = rand(n).mul(8).sub(4); DoubleMatrix Y = safeSinc(X) .add( randn(n).mul(noise) ); return new DoubleMatrix[] {X, Y}; } /** * Compute the alpha for Kernel Ridge Regression. * * Computes alpha = (K + lambda I)^-1 Y. */ DoubleMatrix learnKRR(DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix Y, double w, double lambda) { int n = X.rows; DoubleMatrix K = gaussianKernel(w, X, X); K.addi(eye(n).muli(lambda)); DoubleMatrix alpha = Solve.solveSymmetric(K, Y); return alpha; } /** * Compute the Gaussian kernel for the rows of X and Z, and kernel width w. */ DoubleMatrix gaussianKernel(double w, DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix Z) { DoubleMatrix d = Geometry.pairwiseSquaredDistances(X.transpose(), Z.transpose()); return exp(d.div(w).neg()); } /** * Predict KRR on XE which has been trained on X, w, and alpha. * * In a real world application, you would put all the data from training * in a class of its own, of course! */ DoubleMatrix predictKRR(DoubleMatrix XE, DoubleMatrix X, double w, DoubleMatrix alpha) { DoubleMatrix K = gaussianKernel(w, XE, X); return K.mmul(alpha); } double mse(DoubleMatrix Y1, DoubleMatrix Y2) { DoubleMatrix diff = Y1.sub(Y2); return pow(diff, 2).mean(); } }
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