poj 3580 SuperMemo(splay豊富な操作)

Time Limit: 5000 MS
メモリLimit: 65536 K
Total Submissions: 6668
Acceepted: 2226
Case Time Limit: 2000 MS
Your friend、Jackson is invited to a TV show caled Super Memo in which the particent is told to play a memorizing game.At first、the host tells the participad a sequence of numberss、{A 1、A 1 A 2,… An.Then the host performs a series of operations and queries on the sequence which consists:
  • ADD x D:Add D to each number in sub-sequence{Ax ... Ay].For example,performing“ADD” 2 4“on{1,2,3,4,5}レスルツin{1,3,4,5,5}
  • REVERSE x y:reverse the sub-sequence{Ax ... Ay].For example,performing“REVERSE” 2"on{1,2,3,4,5}reults in{1,4,3,2,5}
  • REVOLVE x T:rotate sub-sequence{Ax ... Ay} T times.For example,performing"REVOLVE" 2 2「on{1,2,3,4,5}reults in{1,3,4,2,5}
  • INSERT x P:insert P アフターサービス Ax.For example、performing"INSERT" 2"on{1,2,3,4,5}reults in{1,2,4,3,4,5}
  • DELETE x:delete Ax.For example,performing“DELETE” 2“on{1,2,3,4,5}reults in{1,3,4,5}
  • MIN x y:query the participnt what is the minimum number in sub-sequence{Ax ... Ay].For example,the corect answer to“MIN” 2"on{1,2,3,4,5}is 2
  • To make the show more interesting,the particent is granted a chance to turn to someone else that means when Jackson feels difficult in answering a query hermy cal you for help.You task to is watthe TV proreders
    The first line contains n (n ≤100000).
    The follwing n lines describe the sequence.
    The n follows M (M ≦100000)、the numbers of operations and queries.
    The follwing M lines describe the operations and queries.
    For each“MIN”query,output the corect answer.
    Sample Input
    ADD 2 4 1
    MIN 4 5
    Sample Output
    POJ Founder Monthly Conttest–2008.04.13,Yao Jinyu
    1、ADD a b c:区間[a,b]を全部cとする.
    2、RESERVE a b:区間[a,b]を反転させる;
    3、REVOLVE a b c:区間[a,b]を右にcビット移動します.(題目の説明はよく分かりませんが、yyでも大丈夫です.Cはマイナスの場合があります.左にシフトすることがあります.)
    4、DEL a:a番目の位置の数を削除する.
    5、INSERT a b:a番目の数の後に数bを加える.
    6、MIN a b:問い合わせ区間[a,b]の最小値.
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    const int N = 100005;
    const int INF = 0x7fffffff;
    int m,n;
    int next[N + N];
    struct node
        int l,r,f,mn,add,lazy,key,size;
    }tree[N + N];
    int Min(int a,int b)
        return a > b?b:a;
    void show(int rt)
    		printf("  %2d:    %2d     %2d     %2d key = %2d size = %2d ,mn = %2d
    ",rt,tree[rt].l,tree[rt].r,tree[rt].f,tree[rt].key,tree[rt].size,tree[rt].mn); show(tree[rt].r); } } void debug(int rt) { printf("root: %d
    ",rt); show(rt); } void init() { tree[0].size = tree[0].lazy = tree[0].add = 0; tree[0].key = tree[0].mn = INF; for(int i = 0;i < N + N;i ++) next[i] = i + 1; } int newnode() { int p = next[0]; next[0] = next[p]; tree[p].lazy = tree[p].add = 0; tree[p].l = tree[p].r = tree[p].f = tree[p].mn = 0; tree[p].size = 1; return p; } void delnode(int p) { next[p] = next[0]; next[0] = p; } void pushup(int rt) { if(rt) { tree[rt].size = tree[tree[rt].l].size + tree[tree[rt].r].size + 1; tree[rt].mn = Min(tree[rt].key,Min(tree[tree[rt].l].mn,tree[tree[rt].r].mn)); } } void pushdown(int rt) { if(!rt) return; int ls = tree[rt].l; int rs = tree[rt].r; if(tree[rt].add) { if(ls) { tree[ls].add += tree[rt].add; tree[ls].key += tree[rt].add; tree[ls].mn += tree[rt].add; } if(rs) { tree[rs].add += tree[rt].add; tree[rs].mn += tree[rt].add; tree[rs].key += tree[rt].add; } tree[rt].add = 0; } if(tree[rt].lazy) { swap(tree[rt].l,tree[rt].r); if(ls) tree[ls].lazy ^= 1; if(rs) tree[rs].lazy ^= 1; tree[rt].lazy = 0; } } void zig(int x) { int p = tree[x].f; pushdown(p); pushdown(x); tree[p].l = tree[x].r; if(tree[x].r) tree[tree[x].r].f = p; pushup(p); tree[x].r = p; tree[x].f = tree[p].f; pushup(x); tree[p].f = x; if(tree[x].f == 0) return; if(tree[tree[x].f].l == tree[x].r) tree[tree[x].f].l = x; else tree[tree[x].f].r = x; } void zag(int x) { int p = tree[x].f; pushdown(p); pushdown(x); tree[p].r = tree[x].l; if(tree[x].l) tree[tree[x].l].f = p; pushup(p); tree[x].l = p; tree[x].f = tree[p].f; pushup(x); tree[p].f = x; if(tree[p].f == 0) return; if(tree[tree[x].f].l == tree[x].l) tree[tree[x].f].l = x; else tree[tree[x].f].r = x; } int splay(int x,int goal) { pushdown(x); int p;//parent while(tree[x].f != goal) { p = tree[x].f; int g = tree[p].f;//grandparent if(g == goal) { if(tree[p].l == x) zig(x); if(tree[p].r == x) zag(x); } else { if(tree[g].l == p && tree[p].l == x)//ll { zig(p); zig(x); } else if(tree[g].l == p && tree[p].r == x)//lr { zag(x); zig(x); } else if(tree[g].r == p && tree[p].r == x)//rr { zag(p); zag(x); } else if(tree[g].r == p && tree[p].l == x)//rl { zig(x); zag(x); } } } pushup(x); return x; } int build(int l,int r,int fa) { if(l > r) return 0; int mid = (l + r)>>1; int p = newnode(); tree[p].l = build(l,mid - 1,p); scanf("%d",&tree[p].key); tree[p].mn = tree[p].key; tree[p].f = fa; tree[p].r = build(mid + 1,r,p); pushup(p); return p; } void prepare(int &root) { root = newnode();// , 1 tree[root].mn = INF; tree[root].key = INF; tree[root].r = newnode(); tree[tree[root].r].mn = INF; tree[tree[root].r].key = INF; tree[tree[root].r].f = root; tree[tree[root].r].l = build(1,n,tree[root].r); pushup(tree[root].r); pushup(root); } int find(int pos,int rt) { if(!rt) return 0; pushdown(rt); if(tree[tree[rt].l].size == pos - 1) return rt; if(tree[tree[rt].l].size >= pos) return find(pos,tree[rt].l); else return find(pos - tree[tree[rt].l].size - 1,tree[rt].r); } int getMax(int rt) { pushdown(rt); while(tree[rt].r) { rt = tree[rt].r; pushdown(rt); } return rt; } int getMin(int rt) { pushdown(rt); while(tree[rt].l) { rt = tree[rt].l; pushdown(rt); } return rt; } void Rotate_interval(int a,int b,int &root) { int l = find(a,root); int r = find(b + 2,root); root = splay(l,0); tree[root].r = splay(r,root); pushup(tree[root].r); pushup(root); } void Add(int a,int b,int c,int &root) { Rotate_interval(a,b,root); tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].add += c; tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].mn += c; tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].key += c; } void Reverse(int a,int b,int &root) { Rotate_interval(a,b,root); tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].lazy ^= 1; } void Revolve(int a,int b,int c,int &root)// { Rotate_interval(a,b,root); int len = b - a + 1; c = (c % len + len) % len; if(c == 0) return; c = len - c; // Reverse(a,a + c - 1,root); 3 // Reverse(a + c,b,root); // Reverse(a,b,root); : int p = find(c + 1,tree[tree[root].r].l);//tree[tree[root].r].l root tree[tree[root].r].l = splay(p,tree[root].r);// c+1 splay root int tmp = tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].l;// root tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].l = 0;// , , ok int nt = getMax(tree[tree[root].r].l); tree[tree[root].r].l = splay(nt,tree[root].r); tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].r = tmp; tree[tmp].f = tree[tree[root].r].l; pushup(tree[tree[root].r].l); pushup(tree[root].r); pushup(root); } void Insert(int a,int b,int &root) { int p = newnode(); tree[p].mn = b; tree[p].key = b; int x = find(a + 1,root); root = splay(x,0); x = find(a + 2,root); tree[root].r = splay(x,root); tree[p].f = tree[root].r; tree[tree[root].r].l = p; root = splay(p,0); pushup(root); } void Del(int a,int &root) { int x = find(a + 1,root); root = splay(x,0); x = find(a + 2,root); tree[root].r = splay(x,root); tree[tree[root].l].f = tree[root].r; tree[tree[root].r].l = tree[root].l; x = root; root = tree[x].r; delnode(x); tree[root].f = 0; pushup(root); } void Min_query(int a,int b,int &root) { Rotate_interval(a,b,root); printf("%d
    ",tree[tree[tree[root].r].l].mn); } int main() { int root; int a,b,c; char op[20]; while(scanf("%d",&n) != EOF) { init(); prepare(root); scanf("%d",&m); while(m --) { scanf("%s",op); scanf("%d",&a); switch(*op) { case 'A': scanf("%d%d",&b,&c); Add(a,b,c,root);break; case 'R': if(op[3] == 'E') { scanf("%d",&b); Reverse(a,b,root); } else { scanf("%d%d",&b,&c); Revolve(a,b,c,root); } break; case 'I': scanf("%d",&b); Insert(a,b,root); break; case 'D':Del(a,root);break; case 'M': scanf("%d",&b); Min_query(a,b,root); } } } return 0; } //4612K 750MS /* 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 ADD 2 4 1 MIN 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 14 MIN 1 1 MIN 2 2 MIN 3 3 MIN 4 4 MIN 5 5 REVOLVE 2 5 2 REVERSE 2 3 REVERSE 4 5 REVERSE 2 5 MIN 1 1 MIN 2 2 MIN 3 3 MIN 4 4 MIN 5 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 MIN 2 7 ADD 5 6 -7 MIN 2 7 REVERSE 3 8 MIN 6 8 REVOLVE 1 6 -9 MIN 1 3 DEL 3 MIN 2 4 INSERT 7 5 MIN 5 8 REVOLVE 2 8 11 MIN 6 8 MIN 1 2 ADD 1 2 -5 MIN 1 2 */