
17508 ワード

//             (   ),        ,      ,
//       ,       ,              。
//(PS :     CSV  ,     ,        。)

#include "count_grade.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	FILE* fp = NULL;
	char* filename = NULL;
	char* file1_buf = NULL;
	char* line_buf = NULL;
	struct student stu[LSIZE] = { 0 };
	char ch = 0;
	int rows = 0;
	int first_line_len = 0;
	int line = 1;
	Item temp = { 0 };
	List student = NULL;

	FILE* fp2 = NULL;
	char* file2name = NULL;
	char* file2_buf = NULL;
	char* line2_buf = NULL;
	struct student stu2[LSIZE] = { 0 };
	char ch2 = 0;
	int rows2 = 0;
	int first_line_len2 = 0;
	int line2 = 1;
	Item temp2 = { 0 };
	List student2 = NULL;

	if (argc != 3)
		printf("Usage:%s filemane
", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s
", argv[1]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); int size = ftell(fp); file1_buf = (char*)malloc(size + 1); memset(file1_buf, 0, size + 1); line_buf = (char*)malloc(size + 1); memset(line_buf, 0, size + 1); filename = argv[1]; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s
", filename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // while (EOF != (ch = getc(fp))) { if ('
' == ch) { ++rows; } } rewind(fp); // while ('
' != (ch = getc(fp))) { ++first_line_len; } // fseek(fp, first_line_len + 1, SEEK_SET); #if 0 int index = 0; while (line < rows) { read_line(fp, line_buf, size); // parse_line(line_buf, &(stu[index]), line);// ++line; ++index; } for (index = 0; index < rows - 1; ++index) { calculate_total_grade(&(stu[index]), rows); } #endif int index = 0; int valid_line_num = 0; while (line < rows) { read_line(fp, line_buf, size); // valid_line_num += parse_line(line_buf, &(stu[index]));// ++line; ++index; } InitializeList(&student);// ; for (int z = 0; z < valid_line_num; z++) { AddItem(&student, &stu[z]); } printf("show the information of file1:
"); //Showstudent(temp, &student); calculate_total_grade(&student); // fp2 = fopen(argv[2], "rb"); if (NULL == fp2) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s
", argv[2]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fseek(fp2, 0L, SEEK_END); int size2 = ftell(fp2); file2_buf = (char*)malloc(size2 + 1); memset(file2_buf, 0, size2 + 1); line2_buf = (char*)malloc(size2 + 1); memset(line2_buf, 0, size2 + 1); file2name = argv[2]; fp2 = fopen(file2name, "rb"); if (NULL == fp2) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s
", file2name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // while (EOF != (ch2 = getc(fp2))) { if ('
' == ch2) { ++rows2; } } rewind(fp2); // while ('
' != (ch2 = getc(fp2))) { ++first_line_len2; } // fseek(fp2, first_line_len2 + 1, SEEK_SET); int index2 = 0; int valid_line_num2 = 0;// while (line2 < rows2) { read_line(fp2, line2_buf, size2); // valid_line_num2 += parse_line(line2_buf, &(stu2[index2]));// ++line2; ++index2; } InitializeList(&student2);// ; for (int z = 0; z < valid_line_num2; z++) { AddItem(&student, &stu2[z]); } printf("show the information of file2:
"); //Showstudent(temp2, &student); calculate_total_grade( &student);// printf("print combine file:
"); //Showstudent(temp, &student); Sort(&student);// printf("sort from high to low:
"); Showstudent(temp, &student); // Node* NewList = PrintReverse(&student); printf("sort from low to high:
"); Showstudent(temp, &NewList); // // student = NULL; DListInitializeList(&student); for (int z = 0; z < valid_line_num; z++) { DListAddItem(&student, &stu[z]); } printf("Dlist:
"); DShowstudent(temp, &student); for (int z = 0; z < valid_line_num2; z++) { DListAddItem(&student, &stu2[z]); } printf("Dlist combine:
"); DShowstudent(temp, &student); Dcalculate_total_grade(temp, &student);// // DSort(&student); printf("sort from high to low:
"); DShowstudent(temp, &student); // DPrintReverse(temp, &student); printf("Dsort from low to high:
"); Showstudent(temp, &student); int DelineGrade = 0; printf("Input the lowest number:"); scanf("%d", &DelineGrade); EraseStudent(&student, DelineGrade); printf("more than %d:
",DelineGrade); Showstudent(temp, &student); WriteF(temp, &student); ListDestroy(&student2); ListDestroy(&student); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); free(file1_buf); file1_buf = NULL; free(file2_buf); file2_buf = NULL; free(line_buf); line_buf = NULL; free(line2_buf); line2_buf = NULL; system("pause"); return 0; }

//     ,     
void InitializeList(List *ppFirst)
	*ppFirst = NULL;

CopyToItem(Node* pNode, Item *item)
	//pNode->item = item;
	int size = sizeof(Item);
	memcpy(&(pNode->item), item, size);
void AddItem(List *ppFirst, Item *item)
	Node* pNewNode = NULL;
	Node* pCur = *ppFirst;
	int size = sizeof(Node);
	pNewNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	memset(pNewNode, 0x0, sizeof(Node));
	if (NULL == pNewNode)
		printf("Fail to malloc the size
"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } CopyToItem(pNewNode, item); pNewNode->next = NULL; if (pCur == NULL) { *ppFirst = pNewNode;// , } else { while (pCur->next != NULL) { pCur = pCur->next; } pCur->next = pNewNode; } return; } // void Showstudent(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; for (pNode = *ppFirst; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->next) { printf("%d,%s, %s, %d, %d, %d,%d->
", pNode->item.number, pNode->item.sex, pNode->item.name, pNode->item.chinese_grade, pNode->item.math_grade, pNode->item.english_grade, pNode->item.total_grade); } return; } // void calculate_total_grade(List *ppFirst) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; for (pNode = *ppFirst; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { int total_grade = 0; total_grade = pNode->item.chinese_grade + pNode->item.math_grade + pNode->item.english_grade; pNode->item.total_grade = total_grade; printf("the id is %d:the total_grade of %s is %d
", pNode->item.number, pNode->item.name, total_grade); } return; } void swap(Node* p1, Node* p2) { Node* p3 = p2->next; p1->next = p3; p2->next = p1; } void swap2(Node* p0,Node* p1, Node* p2) { Node* p3 = p2->next; p1->next = p3; p2->next = p1; p0->next = p2; } void Sort(List *ppFirst) { Node* pPre = NULL; Node* pCur = NULL; Node* first = NULL; Node* second = NULL; Node* pTail = NULL; while (pCur != pTail) { first = *ppFirst; second = (*ppFirst)->next; if ((first->item.total_grade) < (second->next->item.total_grade)) { swap(pCur, pCur->next); *ppFirst = pCur->next; } pCur = second; pPre = first; while (pCur->next != pTail) { if ((pCur->item.total_grade) < (pCur->next->item.total_grade)) { swap2(pPre,pCur, pCur->next); continue; } pCur = pCur->next; pPre = pPre->next; } pTail = pCur;// tail NULL pCur = *ppFirst; } return; } #if 0 void BubbleSort(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node* pCur = NULL; Node* pTail = NULL; pCur = *ppFirst; while (pCur != pTail) { while (pCur->next != pTail) { if ((pCur->item.total_grade) < (pCur->next->item.total_grade)) { Item temp = pCur->item; pCur->item = pCur->next->item; pCur->next->item = temp; } pCur = pCur->next; } pTail = pCur;// tail NULL pCur = *ppFirst; } return; } #endif //void ListPopFront(List *ppFirst,Item item) //{ // // item // Node *pNewNode = NULL; // pNewNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); // memset(pNewNode, 0x0, sizeof(Node)); // if (NULL == pNewNode) // { // printf("Fail to malloc the size
"); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // CopyToItem(pNewNode, &item); // pNewNode->next = NULL; // // // pNewNode->item = item; //b // pNewNode->next = *ppFirst; //a point // *ppFirst = pNewNode;// // // return; //} //void ListPushFront(List *ppFirst) //{ // Node *pCur = *ppFirst; // *ppFirst = pCur->next; // free(pCur); //} // Node* PrintReverse( List *ppFirst) { Node* pCur = *ppFirst; Node* new_list_head = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_list_head->next = NULL; new_list_head->item = pCur->item; while (NULL != pCur->next) { Node *new_node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->item = pCur->next->item; new_node->next = new_list_head; new_list_head = new_node; pCur = pCur->next; } return new_list_head; } // void ListDestroy(List *ppFirst) { assert(ppFirst != NULL); Node *pNode = *ppFirst; Node *pNext = NULL; while (pNode != NULL) { pNext = pNode->next;// free(pNode);// pNode = pNext;// } *ppFirst = NULL; // return; }

#include "count_grade.h"

void DListInitializeList(List* ppFirst)
	*ppFirst = NULL;

CopyToDItem(Node* pNode, struct student* item)
	int size = sizeof(Item);
	memcpy(&(pNode->item), item, size);
void DListAddItem(List *ppFirst, struct student *stu)
	Node* pNewNode = NULL;
	Node* pCur = *ppFirst;
	pNewNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	memset(pNewNode, 0x0, sizeof(Node));
	if (NULL == pNewNode)
		printf("Fail to malloc the size
"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } CopyToDItem(pNewNode, stu); // if (pCur == NULL) { // , *ppFirst = pNewNode; pNewNode->next = NULL; pNewNode->pre = NULL; } else { while (pCur->next != NULL) { pCur = pCur->next; } pNewNode->next = pCur->next; pNewNode->pre = pCur; pCur->next = pNewNode; } return; } // void DShowstudent(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; for (pNode = *ppFirst; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->next) { printf("%d,%s, %s, %d, %d, %d,%d
", pNode->item.number, pNode->item.sex, pNode->item.name, pNode->item.chinese_grade, pNode->item.math_grade, pNode->item.english_grade, pNode->item.total_grade); } return; } // void Dcalculate_total_grade(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; for (pNode = *ppFirst; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { int total_grade = 0; total_grade = pNode->item.chinese_grade + pNode->item.math_grade + pNode->item.english_grade; pNode->item.total_grade = total_grade; printf("the id is %d:the total_grade of %s is %d
", pNode->item.number, pNode->item.name, total_grade); } return; } void Swap(Node* p1, Node* p2) { Node* p4 = p2->next; Node* p0 = p1->pre; p1->next = p4; p2->next = p1; if (p4 != NULL) { p4->pre = p1; } if (p1->pre != NULL) { p0->next = p2; } p2->pre = p1->pre; p1->pre = p2; } void DSort(List *ppFirst) { Node* pCur = NULL; Node* pTail = NULL; pCur = *ppFirst; while (pCur != pTail) { while (pCur->next != pTail) { if ((pCur->item.total_grade) < (pCur->next->item.total_grade)) { Swap(pCur, pCur->next); continue; } pCur = pCur->next; } pTail = pCur;// tail pCur = *ppFirst; } return; } #if 0 void DSort(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node* pCur = NULL; Node* pTail = NULL; pCur = *ppFirst; while (pCur != pTail) { while (pCur->next != pTail) { if ((pCur->item.total_grade) < (pCur->next->item.total_grade)) { Item temp = pCur->item; pCur->item = pCur->next->item; pCur->next->item = temp; } pCur = pCur->next; } pTail = pCur;// tail NULL pCur = *ppFirst; } return; } #endif void ExchageNode(Node* p1, Node*p2) { Node* p3 = p2->next; p1->next = p3; p2->next = p1; if (NULL != p3) { p3->pre = p1; } p2->pre = p1->pre; p1->pre = p2; } void DPrintReverse(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node* pNode = *ppFirst; while ((pNode->next) != NULL) { Node* pNext = pNode->next; ExchageNode(pNode, pNext); *ppFirst = pNext;// while ((pNext->pre) != NULL) { ExchageNode(pNext->pre, pNext); *ppFirst = pNext; } } } #if 0 Node *pNode = *ppFirst; Node *pNext = pNode->next; Node *pTail = NULL; Node *NewHeadNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); NewHeadNode->item = (*ppFirst)->item; NewHeadNode->next = NULL; while (NULL != pNext) { pTail = pNext->next; Node *FNewNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); FNewNode->item = pNext->item; NewHeadNode->pre=FNewNode; FNewNode->next = NewHeadNode; NewHeadNode = FNewNode; pNode = pNext; pNext = pTail; } return NewHeadNode; } #endif int ListErase(List *ppFirst, Node* pPos) { if (*ppFirst == pPos) { Node *pOldFirst = *ppFirst; *ppFirst = (*ppFirst)->next; (*ppFirst)->pre = NULL; free(pOldFirst); return 1; } Node *pCur = *ppFirst; for (pCur = *ppFirst; pCur->next != pPos; pCur = pCur->next) { ; } pCur->next = pPos->next; pPos->next->pre = pPos->pre; free(pPos); return 0; } void EraseStudent(List *ppFirst, int DelineGrade) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; while (pNode) { if ((pNode->item.total_grade) < DelineGrade) { int ret = ListErase(ppFirst, pNode); if (1 == ret) { pNode = *ppFirst; continue; } pNode = pNode->pre; } pNode = pNode->next; } return; } void WriteF(Item item, List *ppFirst) { Node *pNode = *ppFirst; FILE* fp = NULL; fp = fopen(" output.csv", "wb+"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s
", " output.csv"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (pNode) { fprintf(fp, "%d,%s, %s, %d, %d, %d,%d
", pNode->item.number, pNode->item.sex, pNode->item.name, pNode->item.chinese_grade, pNode->item.math_grade, pNode->item.english_grade, pNode->item.total_grade); pNode = pNode->next; } //fwrite() fclose(fp); return; }

#define LSIZE 100
typedef struct  student
	int number;
	char name[LSIZE];
	char sex[LSIZE];
	int math_grade;
	int chinese_grade;
	int english_grade;
	int total_grade;
typedef struct  student Item;
typedef struct node
	Item item;//      
	struct node* next;//      
	struct node* pre;
} Node; //        

typedef Node* List;//        

typedef struct  student2
	int number;
	char name[LSIZE];
	char sex[LSIZE];
	int math_grade;
	int chinese_grade;
	int english_grade;

void read_line(FILE* fp, char* line_buf, int size);
int parse_line(char *line_buf, struct student *stu);
//void calculate_total_grade(struct student *stu, int rows);

//    List     。List student;
//    Item     。 Item temp;
//       。 
//        。
//              。
void InitializeList(List *ppFirst);//     ;
void AddItem(List *ppFirst, Item *item);
void Showstudent(Item item, List *ppFirst);
void calculate_total_grade(List *ppFirst);
void Sort(List *ppFirst);
Node* PrintReverse(List *ppFirst);
void ListDestroy(List *ppFirst);

void DListInitializeList(List* ppFirst);
void DListAddItem(List *ppFirst, struct student *stu);
void DShowstudent(Item item, List *ppFirst);
void Dcalculate_total_grade(Item item, List *ppFirst);
void DSort(List *ppFirst);
void DPrintReverse(Item item, List *ppFirst);
void EraseStudent(List *ppFirst, int DelineGrade);
void WriteF(Item item, List *ppFirst);

#include "count_grade.h"

void read_line(FILE* fp, char* line_buf, int size)
	memset(line_buf, 0, size + 1);
	fgets(line_buf, size, fp);//       

int parse_line(char *line_buf, struct student *stu)
	int  num = sscanf(line_buf, "%d,%[^,],%[^,],%d,%d,%d",
		&(*stu).number, (*stu).name, (*stu).sex, &(*stu).math_grade, &(*stu).chinese_grade, &(*stu).english_grade);
	if (num == 6)
", stu->number, stu->name, stu->sex, stu->math_grade, //stu->chinese_grade, stu->english_grade); return 1; } return 0; } #if 0 void calculate_total_grade(struct student *stu, int rows) { int total_grade = 0; //stu[i].chinese_grade total_grade = stu->chinese_grade + stu->math_grade + stu->english_grade; printf("the id is %d:the total_grade of %s is %d
", stu->number, stu->name, total_grade); return; } #endif