nodejs stream
1100 ワード
nodejs streamマニュアル英文原版stream-handbookを参照してください.
Streams corems corems to us from the earliest das of unix and have proves themselves over the decadecades s s as a dependaaaaaaaaable aaaaaaaattthethethethetheaaaaaaaaatttthethethethethethethethethetheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatotototototothethethethethethethethetheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatototototototototototototo- level flow control.
there re re 5 kids of streadable,writable,transform,duplex,and「classic」
All the different types of streeams use
Streams corems corems to us from the earliest das of unix and have proves themselves over the decadecades s s as a dependaaaaaaaaable aaaaaaaattthethethethetheaaaaaaaaatttthethethethethethethethethetheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatotototototothethethethethethethethetheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatototototototototototototo- level flow control.
there re re 5 kids of streadable,writable,transform,duplex,and「classic」
All the different types of streeams use
to pair inputwith outputts..pipe()
is just a function tatatatas areadaaable streremsrc and hohoks theoutputto a destinination writable writable ststststininininininininination writable writable 242445454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545242424242424247979797979797979797979792424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424the same as dst
This is very much like what you might do on the command line to pipe programs together.src.pipe(dst)
except in node instead of the shell!