
5233 ワード

In Node.js environment,readline module supports asynch ronously reading a file line.However,synchronously reading is not supported. Inspired by the codes in   Readline syn a Node.js module,as shown followwing,provides synchronously reading functionlity.
 'use strict';

//  Reading file line by line synochronicaly libraries  
//  Author: Chunfeng Yang  
//  All rights reserved.    
//  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties or support.   
//  The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software, 
//  conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to the product.  
//  The author reserves the right to make changes in the software without notification.  
//  Date: 2016-06-21
//       Remove a bug in open function
//  Date: 2016-09-14
//       Open the file path passed as constructor argument
//  Date: 2017-05-16
//       The default buffer size is 1024, it is sufficient for many scenarios.
//       In old version, when a line is longer than the buffersize, the next() would return undefined result.   
//       Now, if the line length longer than the buffer size, this version would read next line, until reaching 
//       "
" character. // const fs = require('fs'); var LineReader = function( path ) { this._leftOver = ''; this._EOF = false; this._filename; this._fd = 0; this._bufferSize = 1024; this._buffer = new Buffer(this._bufferSize); if( undefined !== path ) { try{ fs.statSync( path ).isFile() ; path ); } catch ( exception ) { console.log( path, 'is not a file.'); this._EOF = false; return; } } } LineReader.prototype.close = function( ) { var self = this; try{ fs.closeSync(self._fd); } catch ( exception ) { console.log( 'closing file failed.'); } self._EOF = true; self._fd = 0; return; } = function( ) { var self = this; if(0 == self._fd) { return; } var _idxStart = 0; var idx = 0; while(( self._leftOver.indexOf('
', _idxStart)) == -1){ var read; try{ read = fs.readSync( self._fd, self._buffer, 0, self._bufferSize, null) } catch ( exception ) { console.log( 'reading file failed.'); self.close(); return; } if (read !== 0) { self._leftOver += self._buffer.toString('utf8', 0, read); }else { try{ fs.closeSync(self._fd); } catch ( exception ) { console.log( 'closing file failed.'); } self._EOF = true; self._fd = 0; return; } } if ((idx = self._leftOver.indexOf('
', _idxStart)) !== -1) { var line = self._leftOver.substring(_idxStart, idx); _idxStart = idx + 1; self._leftOver = self._leftOver.substring(_idxStart); _idxStart = 0; return line; } } = function( thePath ) { var self = this; self._filename = thePath; if(0 !== self._fd) { self.close(); } try{ self._fd = fs.openSync( self._filename, 'r'); } catch ( exception ) { console.log( 'open(): ' + self._filename + ' not found.'); self._EOF = true; return; } self._EOF = false; return; } module.exports = LineReader;
const LineByLine = require('./readlinesyn'); 

var filename = './result.txt';
var liner = new LineByLine(); filename ); 
var theline;
while( !liner._EOF )
  theline =;
   console.log( 'READ LINE: ' + theline );

var fs = require('fs');
const LineByLine = require('./readlinesyn'); 

var dir = "./abc/";

var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("./foo.txt" , {'flags': 'a'} );
var liner = new LineByLine();  
var files = fs.readdirSync( dir );

for( index in files )
   var fileName = files[index];
   var r =".txt");
   if( -1 != r )
        console.log( fileName ); dir + fileName );   
        var theline;  
        while( !liner._EOF )  
            theline =;  
            writeStream.write( String(theline) );