fasm 32ビット回転28ビットアルゴリズム:remove each byte(Bit 7)

;*--==--* You are given a 32 bit value where the Most Significant
;*--==--* Bit in each byte (Bit 7) must be ignored, thus encoding
;*--==--* a 28 bit value. Write an optimal function to decode the
;*--==--* value (strip the ignored bits).

;*--==--* By G-Spider
;*--==--* fasm mtTest.asm mtTest.exe

format PE console
entry start

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable

    stdcall _UInt32ToUInt28,0f7abh
    cinvoke printf,szFmt,eax

    cinvoke system,szPause
align 16
        mov eax,dword [esp+4]
        and eax,7f7f7f7fh
        movzx ecx,ax
        shr eax,16
        movzx ecx, word [LUT + ecx * 2]
        movzx eax, word [LUT + eax * 2]
        shl eax,14
        or eax,ecx
        ret 4

section '.data' data readable writeable
repeat 32768
  dw (((%-1) and 0x7F00) shr 1) or ((%-1) and 0x7F)
end repeat

szFmt   db '%x ', 0aH, 00H
szPause db 'pause',0
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
  library  msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'
  import msvcrt,\