
  • Lovins(1968)
  • Porter(1980)
  • Porter 2(2000)
  • 1.Lovins
  • ending、語の接尾辞、全部で294つあって、詳しいリストは最後の
  • を見ます.
  • condition、語の接尾辞は条件を取り除いて、すべてのendingは1つのconditionに対応して、共に29つあって、詳しいリストは最後の
  • を見ます.
  • transformation、endingの方式を変換して、全部で35個あります.詳しいリストは最後の
  • をご覧ください.
  • ペアの英語の単語は、endingリストによると、endingに従って長さから短さまでスキャンして、最初にconditionに合うending
  • を見つけます.
  • 残りのstemアプリケーションtransformationにより、endingを適切な形に変換する
  • .
    英語の単語はnationnallyで、endlingリストに従って、長さから短走査まで、まず.09. ationally Bを見つけました.対応する規則はB Minimum stem length = 3です.endingを除去することを要求した後、残りの部分の長さは3 n ationallyを除いて、conditionに合わないです.
    endingをスキャンし続けて、.07. ionally Aが見つかりました.対応する規則はA No restrictions on stemで、何の制約もありません.そこで最終的にionallyをendingとして選定した.
    1.Apppendix.A endingsリスト
    alistically B   arizability A   izationally B
    antialness A    arisations A    arizations A    entialness A
    allically C     antaneous A     antiality A     arisation A
    arization A     ationally B     ativeness A     eableness E
    entations A     entiality A     entialize A     entiation A
    ionalness A     istically A     itousness A     izability A
    izational A
    ableness A      arizable A      entation A      entially A
    eousness A      ibleness A      icalness A      ionalism A
    ionality A      ionalize A      iousness A      izations A
    lessness A
    ability A       aically A       alistic B       alities A
    ariness E       aristic A       arizing A       ateness A
    atingly A       ational B       atively A       ativism A
    elihood E       encible A       entally A       entials A
    entiate A       entness A       fulness A       ibility A
    icalism A       icalist A       icality A       icalize A
    ication G       icianry A       ination A       ingness A
    ionally A       isation A       ishness A       istical A
    iteness A       iveness A       ivistic A       ivities A
    ization F       izement A       oidally A       ousness A
    aceous A        acious B        action G        alness A
    ancial A        ancies A        ancing B        ariser A
    arized A        arizer A        atable A        ations B
    atives A        eature Z        efully A        encies A
    encing A        ential A        enting C        entist A
    eously A        ialist A        iality A        ialize A
    ically A        icance A        icians A        icists A
    ifully A        ionals A        ionate D        ioning A
    ionist A        iously A        istics A        izable E
    lessly A        nesses A        oidism A
    acies A         acity A         aging B         aical A
    alist A         alism B         ality A         alize A
    allic BB        anced B         ances B         antic C
    arial A         aries A         arily A         arity B
    arize A         aroid A         ately A         ating I
    ation B         ative A         ators A         atory A
    ature E         early Y         ehood A         eless A
    elity A         ement A         enced A         ences A
    eness E         ening E         ental A         ented C
    ently A         fully A         ially A         icant A
    ician A         icide A         icism A         icist A
    icity A         idine I         iedly A         ihood A
    inate A         iness A         ingly B         inism J
    inity CC        ional A         ioned A         ished A
    istic A         ities A         itous A         ively A
    ivity A         izers F         izing F         oidal A
    oides A         otide A         ously A
    able A          ably A          ages B          ally B
    ance B          ancy B          ants B          aric A
    arly K          ated I          ates A          atic B
    ator A          ealy Y          edly E          eful A
    eity A          ence A          ency A          ened E
    enly E          eous A          hood A          ials A
    ians A          ible A          ibly A          ical A
    ides L          iers A          iful A          ines M
    ings N          ions B          ious A          isms B
    ists A          itic H          ized F          izer F
    less A          lily A          ness A          ogen A
    ward A          wise A          ying B          yish A
    acy A           age B           aic A           als BB
    ant B           ars O           ary F           ata A
    ate A           eal Y           ear Y           ely E
    ene E           ent C           ery E           ese A
    ful A           ial A           ian A           ics A
    ide L           ied A           ier A           ies P
    ily A           ine M           ing N           ion Q
    ish C           ism B           ist A           ite AA
    ity A           ium A           ive A           ize F
    oid A           one R           ous A
    ae A            al BB           ar X            as B
    ed E            en F            es E            ia A
    ic A            is A            ly B            on S
    or T            um U            us V            yl R
    s' A            's A
    a A             e A             i A             o A
    s W             y B 
    1.Apppendix.B conditionsリスト
    A   No restrictions on stem
    B   Minimum stem length = 3
    C   Minimum stem length = 4
    D   Minimum stem length = 5
    E   Do not remove ending after e
    F   Minimum stem length = 3 and do not remove ending after e
    G   Minimum stem length = 3 and remove ending only after f
    H   Remove ending only after t or ll
    I   Do not remove ending after o or e
    J   Do not remove ending after a or e
    K   Minimum stem length = 3 and remove ending only after l, i or u*e
    L   Do not remove ending after u, x or s, unless s follows o
    M   Do not remove ending after a, c, e or m
    N   Minimum stem length = 4 after s**, elsewhere = 3
    O   Remove ending only after l or i
    P   Do not remove ending after c
    Q   Minimum stem length = 3 and do not remove ending after l or n
    R   Remove ending only after n or r
    S   Remove ending only after dr or t, unless t follows t
    T   Remove ending only after s or t, unless t follows o
    U   Remove ending only after l, m, n or r
    V   Remove ending only after c
    W   Do not remove ending after s or u
    X   Remove ending only after l, i or u*e
    Y   Remove ending only after in
    Z   Do not remove ending after f
    AA  Remove ending only after d, f, ph, th, l, er, or, es or t
    BB  Minimum stem length = 3 and do not remove ending after met or ryst
    CC  Remove ending only after l
    1   remove one of double b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t
    2   iev   ->   ief
    3   uct   ->   uc
    4   umpt  ->   um
    5   rpt   ->   rb
    6   urs   ->   ur
    7   istr  ->   ister
    7a  metr  ->   meter
    8   olv   ->   olut
    9   ul    ->   l except following a, o, i
    10  bex   ->   bic
    11  dex   ->   dic
    12  pex   ->   pic
    13  tex   ->   tic
    14  ax    ->   ac
    15  ex    ->   ec
    16  ix    ->   ic
    17  lux   ->   luc
    18  uad   ->   uas
    19  vad   ->   vas
    20  cid   ->   cis
    21  lid   ->   lis
    22  erid  ->   eris
    23  pand  ->   pans
    24  end   ->   ens except following s
    25  ond   ->   ons
    26  lud   ->   lus
    27  rud   ->   rus
    28  her   ->   hes except following p, t
    29  mit   ->   mis
    30  ent   ->   ens except following m
    31  ert   ->   ers
    32  et    ->   es except following n
    33  yt    ->   ys
    34  yz    ->   ys 
  • 母音(Vowel)-A E I O U、および子音の後のY
  • 子音(Consontant)-A E I O Uのほかに、母音の後のY
  • 単語のグループ化
    segmentfault -> s/e/gm/e/ntf/au/lt -> CVCVCVC
    porter -> p/o/rt/e/r -> CVCVC
    application -> a/ppl/i/c/a/t/io/n -> VCVCVCVC
    apple -> a/ppl/e -> V/C/V
    (condition) S1 -> S2
    conditionはS 1のstemを除去する役割を果たしています.m以外にも他の特徴があります.
  • m-VCグループの数を表す
  • *-任意の文字を表し、サブストリング、v、d、oと組み合わせて
  • を使用します.
  • 大文字-サブストリングを表す
  • v-母音文字を表す
  • d-2つの同じ子音を表す
  • o-はcvcを表しています.ここで第二のcはW、X、Y
  • ではありません.
    S 1は語のサフィックスであり、S 2の変化後のサフィックスである.
    Lovinとは違って、1つの語は複数の規則の直列処理を経て、例えばhoppingのような出力対象語(Lovinは1回限りの出力)を出力し、まずアプリケーション規則(*v*) ING ->を適用して、hoppにしてからアプリケーション規則(*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) -> single letterを適用して、hoppからhopに変更する.
  • ドStep_1 a
  • ドStep_1 b(step 2 b.2 or step 2 b.3に命中した場合は、いくつかの追加作業を行う)
  • ドStep_1 c
  • ドStep_2
  • ドStep_3
  • ドStep_4
  • ドStep_5 a
  • ドStep_5 b
  • 各Stepの詳細は付録を参照してください.
    2.Apppendix Step 1 a
          SSES  ->   SS
          IES   ->   I
          SS    ->   SS
          S     ->
    2.Apppendix Step 1 b
    (m>0) EED     ->   EE
    (*v*) ED      ->
    (*v*) ING     ->
    If the second or third of the rules in Step 1b is successful, the following is done:
          AT      ->   ATE
          BL      ->   BLE
          IZ      ->   IZE
          (*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) -> single letter
          (m=1 and *o)  ->   E
    2.Apppendix Step 1 c
    (*v*) Y       ->   I
    2.Apppendix Step 2
    (m>0) ATIONAL ->   ATE
    (m>0) TIONAL  ->   TION
    (m>0) ENCI    ->   ENCE
    (m>0) ANCI    ->   ANCE
    (m>0) IZER    ->   IZE
    (m>0) ABLI    ->   ABLE
    (m>0) ALLI    ->   AL
    (m>0) ENTLI   ->   ENT
    (m>0) ELI     ->   E
    (m>0) OUSLI   ->   OUS
    (m>0) IZATION ->   IZE
    (m>0) ATION   ->   ATE
    (m>0) ATOR    ->   ATE
    (m>0) ALISM   ->   AL
    (m>0) IVENESS ->   IVE
    (m>0) FULNESS ->   FUL
    (m>0) OUSNESS ->   OUS
    (m>0) ALITI   ->   AL
    (m>0) IVITI   ->   IVE
    (m>0) BILITI  ->   BLE
    2.Apppendix Step 3
    (m>0) ICATE   ->   IC
    (m>0) ATIVE   ->
    (m>0) ALIZE   ->   AL
    (m>0) ICITI   ->   IC
    (m>0) ICAL    ->   IC
    (m>0) FUL     ->
    (m>0) NESS    ->
    2.Apppendix Step 4
    (m>1) AL      ->
    (m>1) ANCE    ->
    (m>1) ENCE    ->
    (m>1) ER      ->
    (m>1) IC      ->
    (m>1) ABLE    ->
    (m>1) IBLE    ->
    (m>1) ANT     ->
    (m>1) EMENT   ->
    (m>1) MENT    ->
    (m>1) ENT     ->
    (m>1 and (*S or *T)) ION   ->
    (m>1) OU      ->
    (m>1) ISM     ->
    (m>1) ATE     ->
    (m>1) ITI     ->
    (m>1) OUS     ->
    (m>1) IVE     ->
    (m>1) IZE     ->
    2.Apppendix Step 5 a
    (m>1) E   ->
    (m=1 and not *o) E   ->
    2.Apppendix Step 5 b
    (m > 1 and *d and *L)   ->   single letter