
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;

typedef pair<int, int> Position;

inline Position operator+(const Position& p1, const Position& p2)
	return Position(p1.first + p2.first, p1.second + p2.second);

inline unsigned int myabs(int i)
	return static_cast<unsigned int>(i < 0 ? -i : i);

Position offset[] = {
	Position(0, -1),
	Position(0, 1),
	Position(-1, 0),
	Position(1, 0),

struct puz_game
	Position m_size;
	string m_start, m_goal;
	Position m_space;

	puz_game(int r, int c, const string& start, const string& goal);
	int rows() const {return m_size.first;}
	int cols() const {return m_size.second;}

puz_game::puz_game(int r, int c, const string& start, const string& goal)
	: m_size(r, c)
	, m_start(start)
	, m_goal(goal)
	int n = m_start.find(' ');
	m_space = Position(n / cols(), n % cols());

struct puz_state : string
	puz_state() {}
	puz_state(const puz_game& g)
		: string(g.m_start), m_game(&g), m_space(g.m_space), m_move(0) {}
	int rows() const {return m_game->rows();}
	int cols() const {return m_game->cols();}
	char cell(int r, int c) const {return at(r * cols() + c);}
	char& cell(const Position& p) {return (*this)[p.first * cols() + p.second];}
	bool is_valid(const Position& p) const {
		return p.first >= 0 && p.first < rows() && p.second >= 0 && p.second < cols();
	void make_move(const Position& p, char move){
		cell(m_space) = cell(p);
		cell(m_space = p) = ' ';
		m_move = move;

	//puz_solver_idastar interface
	bool is_goal_state() const {return *this == m_game->m_goal;}
	void gen_children(list<puz_state>& children) const;
	unsigned int get_heuristic() const;
	unsigned int get_distance(const puz_state& child) const {return 1;}

	const puz_game* m_game;
	Position m_space;
	char m_move;

void puz_state::gen_children(list<puz_state> &children) const
	char* moves = "wens";
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
		Position p = m_space + offset[i];
			children.back().make_move(p, moves[i]);

unsigned int puz_state::get_heuristic() const
	unsigned int md = 0;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
		size_t j = m_game->m_goal.find(at(i));
		md += myabs(j / cols() - i / cols()) + myabs(j % cols() - i % cols());
	return md;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const puz_state& s)
		out << "move: " << s.m_move << endl;
	for(int r = 0; r < s.rows(); ++r) {
		for(int c = 0; c < s.cols(); ++c)
			out << s.cell(r, c) << ' ';
		out << endl;
	return out;

template<class puz_state>
class puz_solver_idastar
	static bool dfs(unsigned int start_cost, const puz_state& cur,
		unsigned int cost_limit, unsigned int& next_cost_limit,
		list<puz_state>& spath, size_t& examined)
		unsigned int minimum_cost = start_cost + cur.get_heuristic();
		if(minimum_cost > cost_limit)
			return next_cost_limit = min(next_cost_limit, minimum_cost), false;
			return next_cost_limit = cost_limit, true;

		list<puz_state> children;
		BOOST_FOREACH(const puz_state& child, children){
			// full cycle checking
			if(find(spath.begin(), spath.end(), child) != spath.end())
			unsigned int new_start_cost = start_cost + cur.get_distance(child);
			bool found = dfs(new_start_cost, child, cost_limit, next_cost_limit, spath, examined);
				return true;

		return false;

	static pair<bool, size_t> find_solution(const puz_state& sstart, list<puz_state>& spath)
		unsigned int inf = numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
		unsigned int cost_limit = sstart.get_heuristic(), next_cost_limit = inf;
		size_t examined = 0;
		spath.assign(1, sstart);
			bool found = dfs(0, sstart, cost_limit, next_cost_limit, spath, examined);
				return make_pair(true, examined);
			if(next_cost_limit == inf)
				return make_pair(false, examined);
			cost_limit = next_cost_limit, next_cost_limit = inf;

int main()
	// start state
	// 2 8 3
	// 1 6 4
	// 7   5
	// goal state
	// 1 2 3
	// 8   4
	// 7 6 5
	puz_game g(3, 3, "2831647 5", "1238 4765");
	list<puz_state> spath;

	bool found;
	size_t examined;
	tie(found, examined) = puz_solver_idastar<puz_state>::find_solution(g, spath);
		cout << "Sequence of moves: " << endl;
		BOOST_FOREACH(const puz_state& s, spath)
			cout << s;
		cout << "Number of moves: " << spath.size() - 1 << endl;
	cout << "Number of states examined: " << examined << endl;

Sequence of moves:
2 8 3
1 6 4
7   5
move: n
2 8 3
1   4
7 6 5
move: n
2   3
1 8 4
7 6 5
move: w
  2 3
1 8 4
7 6 5
move: s
1 2 3
  8 4
7 6 5
move: e
1 2 3
8   4
7 6 5
Number of moves: 5
Number of states examined: 19