
1343 ワード

One thing you may have noticed is that JavaScript's String.replace()method doesn't act like replaccement methods in other langage.Take the following for example:
もう気づいたかもしれませんが、JavaScriptのString.replace()方法は他の言語の代替方法のように機能しません.以下を例にとります var replaced = 'The MooTools JavaScript library is is great. I have never loved any code as I have MooTools!'.replace('MooTools','MooTools FTW!'); The above code will only replace the first occurrence of「MooTools」--not everry occurrence like PHP's str_replace()would.To replace everry occurrence of a string in JavaScript,you must provide the replace()method a reglar expression with a global modifier as the first parameter:
上のコードは「MooTools」の初めての出現-PHPのstr_のようなものではありません.replace()のように毎回現れます.JavaScriptの中で毎回出現する文字列を置換するには、replace()の方法のために、グローバル修飾子を最初のパラメータとする正規表現を提供しなければなりません. var replaced = 'The MooTools JavaScript library is is great. I have never loved any code as I have MooTools!'.replace(/MooTools/g,'MooTools FTW!'); Remember that you must escape special characters within your reglar expression.And oh--how convent!MooTools provides a method will do that for you!