Some arrangement on DOM
4673 ワード
I have seen a good introduccing about Dom(Dock Object Model):
The purpose of this assignwas to learn how to use JavaScript with the DOM、and about some of the properties avaible through the DOM's window oject.
The description and my solution of the DOM Properties-assigment can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
What is DOM The DOM is API for HTML XML document s.It defines the ststststucture of documents and the way to access ththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtre e e e e ininininininfafafavor forformamamamamamamathe document、add,change or delete elemens and content.A very common script lagge using DOM as a model is JavaScript.However,the model itself has noting to with JavaScript,it is simply a model that can be used by any programming langage or scripting lagage.Care must be Taken when using the DOM since manbrow Software ofer extens not followwing the W 3 C stard.What Winds DOM?window window oject represents the window itself.It is created at t t t matotitititialallywith evryinstancof a<body>or<fraamest>(.The win windowow Oject contains the document asa childldand provides and providedes-amonggdedes-amoover proproprovides-amthevides-amthe proproproproproproproprovides-amthethethethethethe proproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproipulating the browsing environment itself,and provides many special properties for accessing Object Fther down the tree structure.Asignment Description
Create a Web page with functionlity for displaying the different properties of the window、window.screen、window.navigator window.location、window.history and window.document oject.
Original Address:
dom Structure see:
Baic object model for all moden browsers:
| | | | |
navigator screen document history location
About typeof:
type of returns one of the follwing
ストリングス: number string book object function undefined(=null)
string、ノmater what x actually is.
IE seems to think that some functions are objecs rather than functions:
I have done a testing code about all the object in DOM,it concerns all the properties of all the object.
Here is the code:
<>All the DOM object
The purpose of this assignwas to learn how to use JavaScript with the DOM、and about some of the properties avaible through the DOM's window oject.
The description and my solution of the DOM Properties-assigment can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
What is DOM The DOM is API for HTML XML document s.It defines the ststststucture of documents and the way to access ththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtre e e e e ininininininfafafavor forformamamamamamamathe document、add,change or delete elemens and content.A very common script lagge using DOM as a model is JavaScript.However,the model itself has noting to with JavaScript,it is simply a model that can be used by any programming langage or scripting lagage.Care must be Taken when using the DOM since manbrow Software ofer extens not followwing the W 3 C stard.What Winds DOM?window window oject represents the window itself.It is created at t t t matotitititialallywith evryinstancof a<body>or<fraamest>(.The win windowow Oject contains the document asa childldand provides and providedes-amonggdedes-amoover proproprovides-amthevides-amthe proproproproproproproprovides-amthethethethethethe proproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproipulating the browsing environment itself,and provides many special properties for accessing Object Fther down the tree structure.Asignment Description
Create a Web page with functionlity for displaying the different properties of the window、window.screen、window.navigator window.location、window.history and window.document oject.
Original Address:
dom Structure see:
Baic object model for all moden browsers:
| | | | |
navigator screen document history location
About typeof:
type of returns one of the follwing
is alwaysstring、ノmater what x actually is.
IE seems to think that some functions are objecs rather than functions:
returns object.I have done a testing code about all the object in DOM,it concerns all the properties of all the object.
Here is the code: