7.2オブジェクトの属性(Object Properties)

 Object properties work like variables:you can store values in them and read values from them.
 var book={}//Set a property in the object.book.title=「JavaScript:The Definitive Gide」//Set some more properties.Note the nese ted object.book.chapter 1=new Object();book.chapter 1.title=「Introduction to JavaScript」book.chapter 1.pages=11;book.chapter 2={title:「Lexical Structure」、pages:6}.Read some property values from the object.alert(「Outline:」+book.title+「\t」+      「Chapter 1」+book.chapter 1.title+「\t」+      「Chapter 2」+book.chapter 2.title);
function DisplayPropertyNames(obj){    var names="    for(var name in obj)names+=name+";    alert(names);
属性が存在するかどうかをチェックする(Checking Property Existence)
The left side of this operator shound be the name of the property as a sting.The right side shound be the object to be tested
if("x"in o)o.x=1;
if you query a property that does not exist,the undefined value is returned
Note that it is possible for a property to exist but still be undefined.For example,if you write:
Note also that the!==operator was used earlier instead of the more comon!=operator.!==and==distinguish between undefined and null
//If the doSomething property exists and is not null or undefined/then asume it is a function and invoke it!if(o.doSomething)o.doSomething()
  Deleting Propties
You can use the delete operator to delete a property of an object:
delete book.chapter2;
Note that deleting a property does not merrely set the property to undefined;it actually removes the property from the object.After deletion,for/in will not enumerate the property and the in operator will not detect it.