js statement 2(js文)

A function definition creates a new function oject and stores that object in a newly created property named funcname.(翻訳:関数定義は新しいfunctionオブジェクトを作成し、このオブジェクトを新しく作成したfuncnameという属性に格納します)
    Functions definitions appar in top-level JavaScript code.They may also be ness within the function definitions,but only at the「top level」of those functinsthat is,function definitions apper.
Technicaly speaking,the function statement is not a statement.Sttemens cause dynamic behavior in a JavaScript program,while function definity the static structure of a program.Sttements ares arexfited.before it is actually run.When the JavaScript parser encounters a function definition,it parses and stores the statement the command the function.with the same name as the function to hold the function.
The fact that function definitions occur at parse time rather than at runtime causes some surprinsing effects.Conster the follwing code:
alert(f(4));     // Displays 16. f( ) can be called before it is defined.
var f = 0;       // This statement overwrites the property f.
function f(x) {  // This "statement" defines the function f before either
    return x*x;  // of the lines above are executed.
alert(f);        // Displays 0. f( ) has been overwritten by the variable f.
The seunusual result occur because function definition occurs at a different time than variable definition.Fortunate,these situation s dot arse very.
return expression