記事の目次原因 は を参照してください.
参照[2]は、主にrouterがメッセージを受信するとき、デフォルトの最初のパラメータはorign socketであり、メッセージを送るときに最初のパラメータはどれに送るべきかを知るためです.
A Router can be used to exted request/reply sockets.When receiving message a Router share prepend a message part containing the routing id of the originating peer to the message.Message received are faire-frome.the first part of the message is removed and used to determine the routing id of the peer the message shound be routed to.
テストコード: router.jsファイル dealer.js
参照[2]は、主にrouterがメッセージを受信するとき、デフォルトの最初のパラメータはorign socketであり、メッセージを送るときに最初のパラメータはどれに送るべきかを知るためです.
A Router can be used to exted request/reply sockets.When receiving message a Router share prepend a message part containing the routing id of the originating peer to the message.Message received are faire-frome.the first part of the message is removed and used to determine the routing id of the peer the message shound be routed to.
const zmq = require("zeromq")
async function run() {
const sock = new zmq.Router
await sock.bind("tcp://")
console.log("Worker connected to port 3000")
while (true) {
await sock.send("some work")
const [id, msg] = await sock.receive()
console.log('msg = ', id, msg.toString())
sock.send([id, "I,m broker."])
const zmq = require("zeromq")
async function run() {
await sock.connect("tcp://")
console.log("Producer bound to port 3000")
while (true) {
await sock.send("some work")
const [msg] = await sock.receive()
console.log('msg = ', msg.toString())
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))