use wireshark capturing http delays

use wireshark capturing http delays
  • set the Time column to the follwing format
  • View->Time Display Format->Seconds Since Beginning of Capture
  •  As the client is also able to send several requests the same time(in different TCP connections)you need to check the TCP Stream number as.For this purpose,please add a new column the I for the.Hepstres.Hear.Heream.HereamEdit -> Preferences -> User Interface -> Columns
  • Add a column caled「TCP Stream」.The n chose Custom as type and as value.
  • The n sort the GUI bythe「TCP Stream」column.
  • use wireshark captureing http delays_第1张图片
  • The n use a Time Reference (CTRL-T in the GUI)for easury delta time caculation between request and respnse.As You can see the'delay'between request and reconnse is 2.14 secondfor the first request.245 for conrequest.