
19544 ワード

私が編纂したJAVAコードは最もよく使われている上位3つだけを実現しました.JAVAコードは eclipseデバッグを通過します.
package threadSync;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;  
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;  
 *    Storage   ,    ,            
 class SupperStorage {
 public void produce(int num){
 public void consume(int num){
  *    Storage3       with LinkedBlockingQueue
  class Storage3 extends SupperStorage
  private final int MAX_SIZE = 200;
  private LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>list=new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>(MAX_SIZE);
  //   num   
  public void produce(int num)
   //      is full
   if (list.size() == MAX_SIZE)
    System.out.println("【   】 is full: " + MAX_SIZE + "           !");
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
     //     ,    
     list.put(new Object());
    catch (InterruptedException e)
    System.out.println("【     】: " + list.size());
  //   num   
  public void consume(int num)
   if (list.size() == 0)
    System.out.println("【   】 is empty,           !");
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
     //     ,    
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   System.out.println("【     】: " + list.size());
  // set/get  
  public LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> getList()
   return list;
  public void setList(LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> list)
   this.list = list;
  public int getMAX_SIZE()
   return MAX_SIZE;
  *    Storage2      with await() / signal()
 class Storage2 extends SupperStorage
  private final int MAX_SIZE = 200;
  private LinkedList<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
  private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
  private final Condition full = lock.newCondition();
  private final Condition empty = lock.newCondition();
  //   num   
  public void produce(int num)
   while (list.size() + num > MAX_SIZE)
    System.out.println("【        】: " + num + " 【   】:" + list.size()
            + "           !");
     //        ,    
     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" enter await");
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
    list.add(new Object());
   System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " 【       】:" + num + " 【     】:" + list.size());
  //   num   
  public void consume(int num)
   while (list.size() < num)
    System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + "【        】: " + num + " 【   】:" + list.size()
            + "           !");
     //        ,    
     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" enter await");
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
   System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " 【       】: " + num + " 【     】:" + list.size());
  // set/get  
  public int getMAX_SIZE()
   return MAX_SIZE;
  public LinkedList<Object> getList()
   return list;
  public void setList(LinkedList<Object> list)
   this.list = list;
 // Storage with wait() / notify()
 class Storage extends SupperStorage {
 private final int MAX_SIZE = 200;
 private LinkedList<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
 //   num   
 public void produce(int num)
  synchronized (list)
   while (list.size() + num > MAX_SIZE)
    System.out.println("【        】:" + num + "/t【   】:"
            + list.size() + "/t          !");
     //        ,    
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
    list.add(new Object());
   System.out.println("【       】:" + num + "/t【     】:" + list.size());
 //   num   
 public void consume(int num)
  synchronized (list)
   while (list.size() < num)
    System.out.println("【        】:" + num + "/t【   】:"
            + list.size() + "/t          !");
     //        ,    
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   //          ,  num   
   for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
   System.out.println("【       】:" + num + "/t【     】:" + list.size());
 // get/set  
 public LinkedList<Object> getList()
  return list;
 public void setList(LinkedList<Object> list)
  this.list = list;
 public int getMAX_SIZE()
  return MAX_SIZE;
  *     Producer     Thread 
 class Producer extends Thread  
     private int num;  
     private SupperStorage storage;  
     //     ,       
     public Producer(SupperStorage storage)  
     {   = storage;  
     //   run     
     public void run()  
     //     Storage        
     public void produce(int num)  
     // get/set     
     public int getNum()  
         return num;  
     public void setNum(int num)  
         this.num = num;  
     public SupperStorage getStorage()  
         return storage;  
     public void setStorage(SupperStorage storage)  
     {   = storage;  
 class Producer2 implements Runnable  
     private int num;  
     private SupperStorage storage;  
     //     ,       
     public Producer2(SupperStorage storage)  
     {   = storage;  
     //   run     
     public void run()  
     //     Storage        
     public void produce(int num)  
     // get/set     
     public int getNum()  
         return num;  
     public void setNum(int num)  
         this.num = num;  
     public SupperStorage getStorage()  
         return storage;  
     public void setStorage(SupperStorage storage)  
     {   = storage;  
 class Consumer extends Thread
 private int num;
 private SupperStorage storage;
 //     ,    
 public Consumer(SupperStorage storage)
 { = storage;
 //   run  
 public void run()
 //     Storage     
 public void consume(int num)
 // get/set  
 public int getNum()
  return num;
 public void setNum(int num)
  this.num = num;
 public SupperStorage getStorage()
  return storage;
 public void setStorage(SupperStorage storage)
 { = storage;
 class Consumer2 implements Runnable
  private int num;
  private SupperStorage storage;
  //     ,    
  public Consumer2 (SupperStorage storage)
  { = storage;
  //   run  
  public void run()
  //     Storage     
  public void consume(int num)
  // get/set  
  public int getNum()
   return num;
  public void setNum(int num)
   this.num = num;
  public SupperStorage getStorage()
   return storage;
  public void setStorage(SupperStorage storage)
  { = storage;
 *    Test
public class mythreadsync
 //this method is used to test thread generated via class Thread 
 public void test_thread() {
  System.out.println("test_thread(): enter");
   //SupperStorage storage = new Storage3();
   //SupperStorage storage = new Storage();
   SupperStorage storage = new Storage2();
   Producer p1 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p2 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p3 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p4 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p5 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p6 = new Producer(storage);
   Producer p7 = new Producer(storage);
   Consumer c1 = new Consumer(storage);
   Consumer c2 = new Consumer(storage);
   Consumer c3 = new Consumer(storage);
   System.out.println("test_thread(): exit");
 //this method is used to test threads implementing interface runnable
 public void test_thread_runnable() {
  System.out.println("test_thread_runnable(): enter");
  SupperStorage storage = new Storage2();
  Producer2 p1 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p2 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p3 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p4 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p5 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p6 = new Producer2(storage);
  Producer2 p7 = new Producer2(storage);
  Consumer2 c1 = new Consumer2(storage);
  Consumer2 c2 = new Consumer2(storage);
  Consumer2 c3 = new Consumer2(storage);
  new Thread(c1,"consumer 1").start();
  new Thread(c2,"consumer 2").start();
  new Thread(c3,"consumer 3").start();
  new Thread(p1,"producer 1").start();
  new Thread(p2,"producer 2").start();
  new Thread(p3,"producer 3").start();
  new Thread(p4,"producer 4").start();
  new Thread(p5,"producer 5").start();
  new Thread(p6,"producer 6").start();
  new Thread(p7,"producer 7").start();
  System.out.println("test_thread_runnable(): exit");
 //this method is used to test threads pool for thread implementing interface runnable
  public void test_threadpool_runnal() {
   System.out.println("test_threadpool_runnal(): enter");
   SupperStorage storage = new Storage2();
   Producer2 p1 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p2 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p3 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p4 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p5 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p6 = new Producer2(storage);
   Producer2 p7 = new Producer2(storage);
   Consumer2 c1 = new Consumer2(storage);
   Consumer2 c2 = new Consumer2(storage);
   Consumer2 c3 = new Consumer2(storage);
   ExecutorService pool=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);//         5      
   // 3 consumers
   // 7 producers
 * it shows, at most, only 5 working threads in parallel even if 10 tasks submitted.
test_threadpool_runnal(): enter
pool-1-thread-1【        】: 30 【   】:0           !
pool-1-thread-1 enter await
pool-1-thread-2【        】: 50 【   】:0           !
pool-1-thread-2 enter await
pool-1-thread-4 【       】:10 【     】:10
test_threadpool_runnal(): exit
pool-1-thread-5 【       】:20 【     】:30
pool-1-thread-3【        】: 80 【   】:30           !
pool-1-thread-3 enter await
pool-1-thread-1 【       】: 30 【     】:0
pool-1-thread-1 【       】:50 【     】:50
pool-1-thread-1 【       】:60 【     】:110
pool-1-thread-1 【       】:70 【     】:180
pool-1-thread-2 【       】: 50 【     】:130
pool-1-thread-4 【       】:30 【     】:160
pool-1-thread-5 【       】:40 【     】:200
pool-1-thread-3 【       】: 80 【     】:120
   System.out.println("test_threadpool_runnal(): exit");
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  mythreadsync my = new mythreadsync();