
9841 ワード

create table student(
sno varchar2(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(20),
sage number(2),
ssex varchar2(5)
create table teacher(
tno varchar2(10) primary key,
tname varchar2(20)
create table course(
cno varchar2(10),
cname varchar2(20),
tno varchar2(20),
constraint pk_course primary key (cno,tno)
create table sc(
sno varchar2(10),
cno varchar2(10),
score number(4,2),
constraint pk_sc primary key (sno,cno)
#/*******         ******/
insert into student values ('s001','  ',23,' ');
insert into student values ('s002','  ',23,' ');
insert into student values ('s003','  ',25,' ');
insert into student values ('s004','  ',20,' ');
insert into student values ('s005','  ',20,' ');
insert into student values ('s006','  ',21,' ');
insert into student values ('s007','  ',21,' ');
insert into student values ('s008','  ',21,' ');
insert into student values ('s009','   ',23,' ');
insert into student values ('s010','  ',22,' ');
#/******************      ***********************/
insert into teacher values ('t001', '  ');
insert into teacher values ('t002', '  ');
insert into teacher values ('t003', '   ');
#/***************      ****************************/
insert into course values ('c001','J2SE','t002');
insert into course values ('c002','Java Web','t002');
insert into course values ('c003','SSH','t001');
insert into course values ('c004','Oracle','t001');
insert into course values ('c005','SQL SERVER 2005','t003');
insert into course values ('c006','C#','t003');
insert into course values ('c007','JavaScript','t002');
insert into course values ('c008','DIV+CSS','t001');
insert into course values ('c009','PHP','t003');
insert into course values ('c010','EJB3.0','t002');
#/***************      ***********************/
insert into sc values ('s001','c001',78.9);
insert into sc values ('s002','c001',80.9);
insert into sc values ('s003','c001',81.9);
insert into sc values ('s004','c001',60.9);
insert into sc values ('s001','c002',82.9);
insert into sc values ('s002','c002',72.9);
insert into sc values ('s003','c002',81.9);
insert into sc values ('s001','c003',59);
#  :                         SQL   ,       。
#1、  “c001”   “c002”             ;
select *  from sc a, sc b where a.sno=b.sno and a.cno='c001' and b.cno='c002' and a.score>b.score;
#2、        60             ;
select st.sname,ss.sco from student st,(select sno,avg(score)sco from sc group by sno)ss where st.sno=ss.sno and sco>=60;
#3、         、  、   、   ;
select st.sname,ss.* from student st,(select sno,count(score)sco,sum(score) from sc group by sno)ss where st.sno=ss.sno;
#4、   “ ”      ;
select count(*) from teacher where tname like '% %';
#5、     “  ”         、  ;
select sc.sno,acno.* from sc sc,(select co.cno from course co,(select tno from teacher where tname='  ')tn where co.tno<>tn.tno)acno where acno.cno=sc.cno;
#6、    “c001”       “c002”        、  ;
select sa.sname,sc.sno from sc sc,(select st.sname,s.* from student st,(select sno,cno from sc where cno in('c001'))s where st.sno=s.sno)sa where sc.sno=sa.sno and sc.cno='c002';
#7、    “  ”              、  ;
select distinct st.sname from student st,sc sc join (select cno from teacher te join course co on(te.tno=co.tno) where te.tname='  ')aca on(sc.cno=aca.cno) where st.sno=sc.sno; 
#9、          60        、  ;
select st.sname,sc.sno from student st join sc sc on(st.sno=sc.sno)where sc.score<60;
#10、               、  ;
select sname,st.sno,scn.cn from student st join (select distinct sno,count(*)cn from sc group by sc.sno)scn on(st.sno=scn.sno) where scn.cn=(select distinct count(cno) from course);
select st.sname,st.sno from student st join (select sc.sno sn,count(sc.cno) cou from sc group by sc.sno) scs on st.sno=scs.sn where scs.cou 's001';
#13、 “SC”  “  ”                    ;
#update sc sc set sc.score=update sc sc set sc.score=(select tc.cno,round(avg(sc.score),2)av from (select * from teacher te join course co on(te.tno=co.tno) where te.tname='  ')tc join sc sc on(tc.cno=sc.cno) group by tc.cno)cnn.score where sc.cno=cnn.av;
select tc.cno,round(avg(sc.score),2) from (select * from teacher te join course co on(te.tno=co.tno) where te.tname='  ')tc join sc sc on(tc.cno=sc.cno) group by tc.cno;
#14、   “s001”                       ;
select cno from sc where sno='s001';
#15、    “  ”    SC    ;
delete from sc where sc.cno in(select cno from teacher te join course co on(te.tno=co.tno) where te.tname='  ')
#17、             :       :  ID,   ,   
select cno,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cno;
#select count(score) from sc where score>=60 group by cno ;
select cno,avg(score)acs,savg.cnu,(count(score)-savg.cnu)/count(score)*100 from sc,
(select count(score)cnu,avg(score)acs2 from sc where score<60 order by acs2 desc)savg 
group by savg.cnu,cno order by acs desc;
#21、            :(         )
select * from (select S.*,rownum rn from (select * from sc order by score desc)S where rownum<=3)where rn>=1;
select cno,count(cno) from sc group by cno;
select st.sname,st.sno from student st join 
(select distinct sc.* from sc sc join (select sno,count(cno)cnum from sc group by sno)ss on(sc.sno=ss.sno) where ss.cnum=1)ssb 
#24、    、    
select ssex,count(ssex) from student st group by ssex;
#25、   “ ”     
select sname from student where sname like '% %';
#26、          ,       
select st.* from student st join (select sname,count(sname)cnum from student group by sname)scomm on(st.sname=scomm.sname) where scomm.cnum>1;
#27、1981         ( :Student   Sage      number)
select * from student where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-sage ='1981';
#28、           ,           ,       ,        
select cno,avg(score)lim from sc group by cno order by lim asc;
#29、        85         、       
select st.sname,st.sno,savg.lim from student st join (select sno,avg(score)lim from sc group by sno)savg on(st.sno=savg.sno) where savg.lim>85;
#30、       “   ”,     60         
select distinct st.sname,cs.score from student st join (select * from course co join sc sc on(co.cno=sc.cno))cs on(st.sno=cs.sno)where cs.score<60 and cs.cname='   ';
#31、           ;
select distinct st.sname,cs.cname from student st join (select * from course co join sc sc on(co.cno=sc.cno))cs on(st.sno=cs.sno);
#32、           70       、       ;
select distinct st.sname,cs.score,cs.cname from student st join (select * from course co join sc sc on(co.cno=sc.cno))cs on(st.sno=cs.sno)where cs.score>70;
#33、        ,           
select * from sc where score<60 order by sno desc;
#34、       c001       80             ;
select st.sname,st.sno from student st join (select * from sc where cno='c001' and score>80)snum on(st.sno=snum.sno);
select count(ss.sno) from (select distinct sno from sc)ss;
#36、    “  ”          ,             
select st.sname,cnum.score from student st join
(select distinct * from sc sc where cno in(select distinct cno from course co join 
(select tno from teacher where tname='  ')ten on(co.tno=ten.tno)) order by score desc)cnum on(st.sno=cnum.sno) where rownum=1;
#(select cno,count(cno) from sc group by cno);
select co.cname,cns.cnum from course co join (select cno,count(cno)cnum from sc group by cno)cns on(co.cno=cns.cno);
select cno from sc order by score desc group by cno;
#40、             (  10        )。            ,           ,     ,        
select sno from (select sno,count(cno)cnum from sc group by sno) where cnum>=2;
#select count(*) from (select distinct sno from sc);
#select cno,count(cno)cns from sc group by cno;
#select cno from (select count(*)num from (select distinct sno from sc))cs1,(select cno,count(cno)cns from sc group by cno)cs2 where cs2.cns=cs1.num;
select cname,scs.cno from course co join 
(select cno from (select count(*)num from (select distinct sno from sc))cs1,
(select cno,count(cno)cns from sc group by cno)cs2 where cs2.cns=cs1.num)scs on(co.cno=scs.cno);
#43、     “  ”               
#select co.cno from course co join (select tno from teacher where tname='  ')tn on(co.tno=tn.tno);
select sname from student where sno not in
(select distinct sno from sc where cno in(select co.cno from course co join 
(select tno from teacher where tname='  ')tn on(co.tno=tn.tno)));
#select sno,count(sno),avg(score) from sc where score < 60 group by sno;
select * from (select sno,count(sno)cnum,avg(score) from sc where score < 60 group by sno)avs where avs.cnum>1;
#45、  “c004”      60,            
select sno from sc where cno='c004' and score<60 order by score desc;
#46、  “s002”   “c001”     
delete from sc where sno='s002' and cno='c001';