Ubuntu下にIntelliJ IDEA 10.0.3をインストールする

6057 ワード

1)jdk 1.6の取り付け
java開発とIntelliJ IDEA 10.0.3運転はいずれもjavaのサポートが必要です。
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
java -version
2)IntelliJ IDEA
       IntelliJ IDEA
tar xfz idea-10.0.3.tar.gz ./usr/lib/
3)  java  
export JDK_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/"

Ubuntu IntelliJ IDEA
2010-11-02 13:06
( GG)
I’ve been a user of the excellent  IntelliJ Java IDE for 4 years on Windows. Even though the official Linux support by JetBrains is only for RedHat, you can also install IntelliJ fairly easily on  Ubuntu. I’ve tested this with  Xubunto 7.10 (Gutsy),  Java 6, and IntelliJ 7. Here’s how to do it in four basic steps:

1) Get Java

Install the Java 6 JDK, which IDEA itself needs to run. (You can have other JDKs for your projects, but you’ll need this one to run IntelliJ itself.) For example, type this in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Follows the prompts for root password,download confirmation,and eventualy the Sun EULA to install Java itself.If it installd succelly,you shound be able to type this a prompt:
java -version
…to get several ling you the version of Java you have installed.If this doesn’t work,refer to Sun’s documentation on troubling installation.
2)Get IntelliJ IDEA
Download the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA for Linux:
Onese the download is finished、extract the archive using the corect filename according to your download.For example、to install IntelliJ in /usr/lib、do the follwing:
tar xfz idea-7.0.1.tar.gz ./usr/lib/
The IntelliJ installation will now be in a subdirectory indicating the build number,in the format“idea-xxxx”.In the case of IDEA 7.0.1,the ap directory“idea-7364”。
3)Get Evironmental
The re are a couble of environment variables to be taken care of.First,you need to set a new environment variable that tells IntelliJ Eure your install of Java is.For example:
export JDK_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/"
Use the"env"command、or just"echo$JDKuHOME"は、to verify the variable is set.
Next,you’ll need to edit /etc/environment with superuser rights in the editor of your chuice,adding the idea-xxxx/bindirectory to your PATH variable.For example,you can edit the environment with the GUI mousepad editor like so:
sudo mousepad /etc/environment
The various directores in the environment PATH variable are by colons().Apple the current value with a new colon and then add the ideaa-xxxx/bin location.It shoud look something like this:
Save and close the environment file.You’ll need to“source”it for your system to pick up the new directory in the PATH.You can verify your changes by echong the variable well:
source /etc/environment
echo $PATH
If you see the path to IntelliJ returned in the out put,you’re all set.
Lastly,you may want to change the VM settings of IntelliJ.This depends entirely on your project size and other factors,so you’ll need to base thers settings on on your need.The settings ares ares are。 idea-xxx/bin/idea.vmoptions.
4)Get Startd
That’s it.Now you can run“idea.sh”from a terminal in any directory,and IntelliJ Shound launch…
sh idea.sh
If you run in to problems,be sure to double-check the readme files in the installation directory.
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