Linux.x 86_64配置oracle sqlplus 14377/appe.httm
Configring SQL*Plus Instant Client on Linux(from Cient Media or Zip File)and UNIX
  • Add the name of the directory containing the Instant Client files to the apprate shared library path LD_リブラアルPATH,LIBPATH or SHLIB_PATH.Remove any othe Oracle directores.For example on Solaris in the Bourne or Korrn shells:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Add the directory containing the Instant Cient files to the PATH environment variable.If it is not set,then absoute or relative path must to Start SQL*Plus.Remove any other Oraclexclem.ore Forectrom
  • セットSQLPATH to the directory containing the Instant Cient files so glogin.sql can be found.For example:
    export PATH
  • Set Oracle globalization variables required for your locale.A default local e will be asumed ifのvariables are.See the  Oracle Database Globalization Support Gide for more information.For example:
    export SQLPATH