
osu_bibw - Bidirectional Bandwidth Test
osu_bw - Bandwidth Test
osu_latency - Latency Test
osu_put_latency - Latency Test for Put
osu_get_latency - Latency Test for Get
osu_put_bw - Bandwidth Test for Put
osu_get_bw - Bandwidth Test for Get
osu_put_bibw - Bidirectional Bandwidth Test for Put
osu_acc_latency - Latency Test for Accumulate
osu_cas_latency - Latency Test for Compare and Swap
osu_fop_latency - Latency Test for Fetch and Op
osu_allgather - MPI_Allgather Latency Test
osu_allgatherv - MPI_Allgatherv Latency Test
osu_allreduce - MPI_Allreduce Latency Test
osu_alltoall - MPI_Alltoall Latency Test
osu_alltoallv - MPI_Alltoallv Latency Test
osu_bcast - MPI_Bcast Latency Test
osu_gather - MPI_Gather Latency Test
osu_gatherv - MPI_Gatherv Latency Test
osu_reduce - MPI_Reduce Latency Test
osu_reduce_scatter - MPI_Reduce_scatter Latency Test
osu_scatter - MPI_Scatter Latency Test
osu_scatterv - MPI_Scatterv Latency Test
osu_iallgather - MPI_Iallgather Latency Test
osu_ialltoall - MPI_Ialltoall Latency Test
osu_ibcast - MPI_Ibcast Latency Test
osu_igather - MPI_Igather Latency Test
osu_iscatter - MPI_Iscatter Latency Test
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -H node1,node2  ..../osu-micro-benchmarks/mpi/pt2pt/osu_latency
注意-hostfile hostfileではなく、このようにテスト結果が本級loopです。
皱IMBはIntel MPI Benchmarkを紹介しています。テストプログラムはIntelコンパイラセットの設置経路にあります。I N T E L_P_H/i m_i/INTEL_uPATH/impi/INTELP ATH/impi/version/bin 64/IMB_*一般的なIMB-MPI 1
萼菵テスト集Intel® MPI Benchmarks User Gide and Methodology Description•Single Transfer•Paralel Transfer•Collecive benchmarksの3つのテストプログラムは、複数のMPI Optionsのテストが含まれています。各テスト内容はUser GuideまたはREADMEを参照してください。