cococococococococos 2 d-Xノード(CCCamera.h.)API

本論文は ,引用は出典を明記しなければならない!
cococococococococos 2 d-Xノード(CCCamera.h.)API
みなさんがよりよく勉強できるように、私のブログを見ることを強くおすすめします。 Cocos 2 d-X権威ガイドノート

#ifndef __COCOS2DX_CAMERA_H__
#define __COCOS2DX_CAMERA_H__

#include <string>

#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"
#include "ccMacros.h"
#include "kazmath/mat4.h"


 * @addtogroup base_nodes
 * @{

         Camera .
     camera(  )             
camera     OpenGL gluLookAt()   

         scale(  ), rotation(  、 position     ,          camera 

IMPORTANT:       camera    rotation/scale/position   .
         camera  rotation/scale/position   World coordinates      


-     ,       camera(  )       ;    ParallaxNode, Particle (       )
using the camera.

-    SpriteBatchNode(     )       (Sprite)     

-         3D         。   2D       action     position/scale/rotate.

class CC_DLL Camera : public Object
    /** returns    Z     */
    static float getZEye();
     * @js ctor
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA

    void init(void);
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    const char* description(void) const;

    /** sets  dirty(        )    */
    inline void setDirty(bool bValue) { _dirty = bValue; }
    /** get dirty(        )    */
    inline bool isDirty(void) const { return _dirty; }

    /** sets camera       */
    void restore(void);
    /** Sets  camera    gluLookAt   eye     center 、 up_vector */
    void locate(void);
    /** sets eye       */
    void setEye(float fEyeX, float fEyeY, float fEyeZ);
     @             API,   setEye()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setEyeXYZ(float fEyeX, float fEyeY, float fEyeZ){ setEye(fEyeX, fEyeY, fEyeZ);}
    /** sets          */
    void setCenter(float fCenterX, float fCenterY, float fCenterZ);
     @             API    setCenter()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setCenterXYZ(float fCenterX, float fCenterY, float fCenterZ){ setCenter(fCenterX,fCenterY,fCenterZ);}
    /** sets     vector(  )   */
    void setUp(float fUpX, float fUpY, float fUpZ);
     @             API    setUp()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setUpXYZ(float fUpX, float fUpY, float fUpZ){ setUp(fUpX,fUpY,fUpZ); }

    /** get  eye      vector(  )  
     * @code
     *        js or lua      ,       
     * in js: var getEye()
     * in lua:local getEye()
     * @endcode
    void getEye(float *pEyeX, float *pEyeY, float *pEyeZ) const;
     @             API      getEye()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void getEyeXYZ(float *pEyeX, float *pEyeY, float *pEyeZ) const { getEye(pEyeX, pEyeY, pEyeZ); }
    /** get         
     *        js or lua      ,       
     * in js: var getCenter()
     * in lua:local getCenter()
    void getCenter(float *pCenterX, float *pCenterY, float *pCenterZ) const;
     @             API      getCenter()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void getCenterXYZ(float *pCenterX, float *pCenterY, float *pCenterZ) const{ getCenter(pCenterX,pCenterY,pCenterZ); }
    /** get     vector(  )  
     *        js or lua      ,       
     * in js: var getUp()
     * in lua:local getUp()
    void getUp(float *pUpX, float *pUpY, float *pUpZ) const;
     @             API      getUp()   
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void getUpXYZ(float *pUpX, float *pUpY, float *pUpZ) const{ getUp(pUpX, pUpY, pUpZ); }

    float _eyeX;
    float _eyeY;
    float _eyeZ;

    float _centerX;
    float _centerY;
    float _centerZ;

    float _upX;
    float _upY;
    float _upZ;

    bool _dirty;
    kmMat4    _lookupMatrix;


// end of base_node group
/// @}


#endif // __COCOS2DX_CAMERA_H__