





set fillCount to 2
set strokeCount to 1





    2020-07-15  エラー処理追加/塗りのパターン追加


set fillCount to 2
set strokeCount to 1

set _SPACE to ASCII character 32

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"

    my chkOpenDoc(count of document)

    tell document 1

        set {fillColor, strokeColor} to my getColor()
        set colorList to my getColorList(fillColor, strokeColor, fillCount, strokeCount)
        set colorCount to count of colorList

        set celectText to (current layer)'s every page item
        tell celectText's item 1

            set j to 1

            repeat with i from 1 to count of (contents as string)

                tell character i
                    if contents is greater than _SPACE then
                        set fill color to colorList's item j
                        set j to j + 1
                    end if
                end tell

                if j is greater than colorCount then
                    set j to 1
                end if

            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

on chkOpenDoc(i)
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        if (i) is 0 then
            display dialog "ドキュメントが開かれていません" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon 0
            error number -128
        end if
    end tell
end chkOpenDoc

on getColor()

    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        tell document 1

            set fillColor to default fill color
            if fillColor's class is CMYK color info or class is RGB color info then

                display dialog "塗り色が正しく設定されていません。" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon 0
                error number -128
            end if

            set strokeColor to default stroke color
            if strokeColor's class is CMYK color info or class is RGB color info then

                display dialog "線の色が正しく設定されていません。" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon 0
                error number -128
            end if

            return {fillColor, strokeColor}

        end tell
    end tell

end getColor

on getColorList(fillColor, strokeColor, fillCount, strokeCount)
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        tell document 1

            set colorList to {}

            repeat with i from 1 to fillCount
                set (colorList)'s end to fillColor
            end repeat

            repeat with i from 1 to strokeCount
                set (colorList)'s end to strokeColor
            end repeat

        end tell

        return colorList

    end tell
end getColorList