Testing Hard Disk Access Speed on Linode VPS

'Linode' is providing affordable Cloud Hosting Services in the market. In this tutorial, I am showing you how did I test Hard Disk Access Speed on a Linode VPS. I used ‘Support Tools Utility’ from Atlassian.

Step 1 : Check Java is installed or not

java -version

Step 2: Download ‘Support Tools Utility’

wget https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/files/54362304/54591494/3/1444177154112/support-tools.jar

Step 3: Run the Support Tools Utility

java -jar support-tools.jar

Step 4: See Result

----    ----    ----    ----    ----
stat    avg     median  min     max
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
open    13,442  6,378   5,194   1,979,564
r/w     10,518  4,919   4,079   2,102,574
close   6,094   1,468   974     4,414,401
delete  14,214  7,057   6,200   5,184,625
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
All times are in nanoseconds.

Step 5: Comparing the result

See here.

Linode Rocks!

If interested, please read my other article PostgreSQL Performance Tuning for JIRA.