efontWrapper for ESP32

efontWrapper for ESP32

🍀 Overview

I have turned the efont library into a class library.
I derived efontWrapper from the Adafruit_GFX library or the TFT_eSPI library.

🔨 How to use

📂 Copy the efont library to the library folder


Copy the efont library to the library folder



Edit the platformio.ini file.

lib_deps =
        https://github.com/m5stack/[email protected]

📝 Modify efontWrapper.h

📝 Using TFT_eSPI Library

If you are using the M5Display library with M5Stack or M5StickC to control any display unit, change TFT_eSPI to the derivation source and use EfontWrapper Class.
To make the change effective, modify the preprocessor in efontWrapper.h as follows

#define TFT_ESPI

📝 Using Adafruit_GFX Library

If you are using the Adafruit_GFX library to control any display unit (LED matrix, TFT display, etc.) with the ESP32, you should change the derivation of Adafruit_GFX to use the EfontWrapper class.
To make the change effective, modify the preprocessor in efontWrapper.h as follows


📝 Select a font

You can modify the following preprocessor to select the efont Unicode BDF Font Data you want to use.



#include <efontEnableAll.h>
#include <efontEnableAscii.h>
#include <efontEnableCJK.h>
#if defined(EFONTENABLECN)
#include <efontEnableCn.h>
#if defined(EFONTENABLEJA)
#include "efontEnableJa.h"
#include <efontEnableJaMini.h>
#if defined(EFONTENABLEKR)
#include <efontEnableKr.h>
#if defined(EFONTENABLETW)
#include <efontEnableTw.h>

👖 Apply a patch to the M5Display library

I have made modifications to the M5Display class library in order to use efontWrapper.
The version of the M5StickCPlus library is 0.0.2.
Please apply the following patch to M5Display.cpp and M5Display.h.
Execute the following command in the directory hierarchy where the two files are located.

git apply 0.0.2toDiff.patch

The M5Display class is derived from the TFT_eSPI class.
I have modified the class from which the M5Display class is derived (TFT_eSPI) to change it to the EfontWrapper class at compile time.

📝 License

This software is released under the MIT License.

👤 Author

If I can contribute something to you, I will be happy.

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr