#Stripe API release SubscriptionSchedule what happens? one case Subscription cancel_at removed. Subscription released from Schedule and start run by itself. ( Ruby codes example )


After release

  • Subscription schedule be null
  • SubscriptionSchedule subscription be null
  • Current phase subscription cancel_at removed because thats reason is now Subscription does not know next phase Subscriptions or plans. So it does not should wait and cancel itself for other phases.



Ruby Code example

# Docs

# https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscription_schedules/release
# https://support.stripe.com/questions/create-update-and-schedule-subscriptions
# https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/subscription-schedules

# Code

require 'stripe'

Stripe::api_key = ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']

product1 = Stripe::Product.create(name: "Gold plan #{rand(9999999999)}")
plan1 = Stripe::Plan.create(interval: 'month', currency: 'jpy', amount: 5000, product: product1.id, usage_type: 'licensed')

product2 = Stripe::Product.create(name: "Silver plan #{rand(9999999999)}")
plan2 = Stripe::Plan.create(interval: 'month', currency: 'jpy', amount: 3000, product: product2.id, usage_type: 'licensed')

product3 = Stripe::Product.create(name: "Bronse plan #{rand(9999999999)}")
plan3 = Stripe::Plan.create(interval: 'month', currency: 'jpy', amount: 1000, product: product3.id, usage_type: 'licensed')

tax_rate = Stripe::TaxRate.create(display_name: 'Tax Rate', percentage: 10.0, inclusive: false)
customer = Stripe::Customer.create
payment_method = Stripe::PaymentMethod.create(type: 'card', card: { number: '4242424242424242', exp_year: 2030, exp_month: 01})
customer_payment_method = Stripe::PaymentMethod.attach(payment_method.id, customer: customer.id)

def put_subscription_schedule(subscription_schedule, message)
  puts '-' * 100
  puts "Subscription Schedule"
  puts message
  puts "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/subscription_schedules/#{subscription_schedule.id}"
  puts '-' * 100
  puts subscription_schedule

# https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscription_schedules/create
subscription_schedule = Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule.create(
    customer: customer.id,
    start_date: Time.now.to_i + 5,
    default_settings: {
      default_payment_method: customer_payment_method.id,
    phases: [
            { plan: plan1.id, quantity: 1 },
            { plan: plan2.id, quantity: 4 },
          default_tax_rates: [tax_rate],
          iterations: 3,
            { plan: plan2.id, quantity: 1 },
            { plan: plan3.id, quantity: 1 },
          default_tax_rates: [tax_rate],
          iterations: 5,
            { plan: plan3.id, quantity: 3 },
            { plan: plan1.id, quantity: 2 },
          default_tax_rates: [tax_rate],
          iterations: 7,
put_subscription_schedule(subscription_schedule, 'CREATED')

puts '-' * 100
puts "Wait until subscription schedule starts"
puts '-' * 100
until subscription_schedule.status == 'active' do
  subscription_schedule = Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule.retrieve(subscription_schedule.id)
  puts subscription_schedule.status
  sleep 2

started_subscription_schedule = Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule.retrieve(id: subscription_schedule.id, expand: ['subscription'])
put_subscription_schedule(started_subscription_schedule, 'STARTED')

subscription = started_subscription_schedule.subscription

started_subscription_schedule.subscription # #<StripeSubscription: ...
started_subscription_schedule.phases.size # 3

puts '-' * 100
puts "Subscription created"
puts "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/subscriptions/#{subscription.id}"
puts '-' * 100
puts subscription


released_subscription_schedule = Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule.retrieve(id: subscription_schedule.id, expand: ['subscription'])

# SubscriptionSchedule now has no "subscription" but has phases ( not used ? )
released_subscription_schedule.subscription # nil
released_subscription_schedule.phases.size # 3

released_subscription = Stripe::Subscription.retrieve(subscription.id)

removed_from_subscription_by_released_schedule =  subscription.to_a - released_subscription.to_a
# Subscription "cancel_at" removed by Subscription release
# e.g
# => [[:cancel_at, 1585720051], [:canceled_at, 1577857651], [:schedule, "sub_sched_1Fw03HCmti5jpytUpJMypWcA"]]

Original by Github issue