2012-04-04 追記:
コメントにてgeekpageさんがこのツールの問題を指摘しています。コメントを参照の上、各自の修正するなりして状況に対応してくださいm(_ _)m ご指摘くださったgeekpageさんありがとうございます!
#!/usr/bin/env php
//$monitor = new DNSPenetrationMonitor(ドメイン, 新しいIP);
$monitor = new DNSPenetrationMonitor('suin.asia', '');
class DNSPenetrationMonitor
protected static $providers = array(
'' => 'OCN',
'' => 'OCN',
'' => 'auone',
'' => 'auone',
'' => '@nifty',
'' => '@nifty',
'' => 'So-net',
'' => 'So-net',
'' => 'odn',
'' => 'odn',
'' => 'google',
'dns3.sakura.ad.jp' => 'sakura',
'exnsa.plala.or.jp' => 'plala',
'' => 'Norton',
'' => 'Norton',
'' => 'OpenDNS',
'' => 'OpenDNS',
'' => 'GTEIDNS',
'' => 'GTEIDNS',
'' => 'Dnsadvantage',
'' => 'Dnsadvantage',
protected $hostName = '';
protected $newAddress = '';
protected $intervalSeconds = 5;
protected $providerStringLength = 0;
* @param string $hostName
* @param string $newAddress
* @param int $intervalSeconds
public function __construct($hostName, $newAddress, $intervalSeconds = 5)
$this->hostName = $hostName;
$this->newAddress = $newAddress;
$this->intervalSeconds = $intervalSeconds;
$this->providerStringLength = $this->_calculateProviderStringLength();
* @return void
public function monitor()
$this->_print("Start monitor: {$this->hostName}");
$this->_print("To quit: Ctrl + C");
while ( true )
$this->_print("Sleep {$this->intervalSeconds} seconds...");
* @return void
public function lookup()
foreach ( self::$providers as $providerAddress => $providerName )
$currentAddress = $this->_getAddress($this->hostName, $providerAddress);
$this->_printLookupResult($currentAddress, $providerAddress);
protected function _calculateProviderStringLength()
$maxLength = 0;
foreach ( self::$providers as $address => $name )
$length = strlen($address.$name);
if ( $maxLength < $length )
$maxLength = $length;
return $maxLength;
protected function _isNewAddress($currentAddress)
return ( strpos($currentAddress, $this->newAddress) !== false );
protected function _getAddress($hostName, $nameServerName)
$command = sprintf('nslookup %s %s', $hostName, $nameServerName);
$output = array();
exec($command, $output);
$output = array_filter($output);
return array_pop($output);
protected function _getStatusString($currentAddress)
if ( $this->_isNewAddress($currentAddress) )
return "\033[32mNEW\033[0m";
return "\033[31mOLD\033[0m";
protected function _printLookupResult($currentAddress, $providerAddress)
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$status = $this->_getStatusString($currentAddress);
$providerName = self::$providers[$providerAddress];
$providerString = str_pad("$providerName($providerAddress)", $this->providerStringLength + 2, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$message = "[$now] $providerString $status $currentAddress";
protected function _print($message)
file_put_contents('php://stdout', $message.PHP_EOL);
Author And Source
この問題について(DNS浸透を温かく見守るコマンドラインツール), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました https://qiita.com/suin/items/b522bd701cab1885344a著者帰属:元の著者の情報は、元のURLに含まれています。著作権は原作者に属する。
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