Semi-permanently remembers Rails | pry's input history (leaves the history even when pry finishes) [Mac OS X]


Put rb-readline with pry-rails.

 gem 'pry-rails' gem 'rb-readline' 

$ bundle install

Launch the Rails console.

$ bundle exec rails console

This is the solution! You can use the up and down keys on the keyboard to follow previous input history.


pry doesn't record input history at all.

To be precise, it will remember during one session. exit , everything disappears at the next start.

By default all history settings are true. I also confirmed that .pry_history exists.

 Pry.config.history.should_save # => true Pry.config.history.should_load # => true Pry.config.history.file # => "/Users/yinaura/.pry_history" 

And despite the history being written to.pry_history. It can not only read.

It was useless to write load processing to .pryrc.


However. Manually run Pry.history.load after launching Pry.history.load to load the history. But it's too much trouble to do every time.

The solution is at the beginning.


  • pry (0.10.3)
  • pry-rails (0.3.4)
  • rb-readline (0.5.3)
  • Rails 4.0.0
  • OSX Yosemit 10.10.4


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Rails | pry の入力履歴を半永久的に記憶させる ( pry が終了しても履歴を残す ) [Mac OS X]


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