AoE-ATA over Ethernet

この文は自動的に変換されます の一部の内容について、最終的な変更日は2007/03/15:57です。
New Operating systems、like Windows NT、2000、XP、2003 require a more in-depth hard disk environment.
In contrast to the default Ether Boot supported protocols the ATA over Ethernet specification additionally provides/emulates all necessary components for Operating Systems which require ine ine-depth hard discorsk/hancers

Directory or hard disk (or hard disk image) containg an installed Operating System

AoE Server
𞓜𞓜network connection


EtherBoot binary with AoE support

Boot priority set to "EtherBoot" in the BIOS setup menu

EtherBoot with AoE support will be used as boot device

EtherBoot with AoE support provides in-depth hard disk environment and loads the Operating System from the harddisk from the AoE Server.