.NET 6 と Daprを使った分散サービス開発 その14 tye あれこれ


今まで、各サービスとDaprを一緒に起動してくれたり、ビルドしてくれたり、 Kubernetes にデプロイしてくれたりと便利なTyeですが、ここではTyeの他の機能について少し触れてみたいと思います。


例えば、Azlite (OSSのAzure Storage エミュレータ) や Azure CosmosDBなどはコンテナイメージでエミュレータがありますので、サービスと共にローカル起動するなどしたい所です。
また、マイクロサービスの場合、別のチームは .NET以外の言語で開発しているケースなどで、一緒に駆動させたいケースなどでも活用できると思います。


# tye application configuration file
# read all about it at https://github.com/dotnet/tye
# when you've given us a try, we'd love to know what you think:
#    https://aka.ms/AA7q20u
name: dapr
  - name: dapr

    # log-level configures the log level of the dapr sidecar
    log-level: debug

    # config allows you to pass additional configuration into the dapr sidecar
    # config will be interpreted as a named k8s resource when deployed, and will be interpreted as
    # a file on disk when running locally at `./components/myconfig.yaml`
    # config: myconfig

    # components-path configures the components path of the dapr sidecar
    components-path: "./components/"

    # If not using the default Dapr placement service or otherwise using a placement service on a nonstandard port,
    # you can configure the Dapr sidecar to use an explicit port.
    # placement-port: 6050
  - name: service-a
    project: ServiceA/ServiceA.csproj
  - name: service-b
    project: ServiceB/ServiceB.csproj
  - name: app
    project: App/App.csproj
  - name: stateservice
    project: StateService/StateService.csproj
  - name: worker-service
    project: WorkerService/WorkerService.csproj
  - name: pub-service
    project: PubService/PubService.csproj
  - name: sub-service
    project: SubService/SubService.csproj
  - name: sub-service2
    project: SubService2/SubService2.csproj

  # This may conflict with the redis instance that dapr manages.
  # Doing a `docker ps` can show if its already running. If that's the case
  # then comment out out when running locally.
  # - name: redis
  #   image: redis
  #   bindings:
  #   - port: 6379
  - name: Azlite
    image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite
      - port: 20000
        containerPort: 10000
        protocol: https
        name: blob
      - port: 20001
        containerPort: 10001
        protocol: https
        name: queue
      - port: 20002
        containerPort: 10002
        protocol: https
        name: table

tye runをしてみると、プロジェクトをビルドする前にイメージをPullして、ローカルで実行してくれている様子がわかります。

$ tye run
Loading Application Details...
Launching Tye Host...

[13:01:29 INF] Executing application from C:\Users\kahiro\DaprQiita\tye.yaml
[13:01:29 INF] Dashboard running on
[13:01:30 INF] Running docker command pull mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite
[13:01:30 INF] mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite: Using default tag: latest
[13:01:35 INF] mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite: latest: Pulling from azure-storage/azurite
[13:01:41 INF] mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite:latest
[13:01:41 INF] Creating docker network tye_network_231890b8-7
[13:01:41 INF] Running docker command network create --driver bridge tye_network_231890b8-7
[13:01:41 INF] Running image mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite for azlite_35d0025b-5
[13:01:41 INF] Building projects
[13:01:41 INF] Build Watcher: Watching for builds...
[13:02:46 INF] Replica worker-service-dapr_415de17a-e is moving to a ready state

以下のように、docker psで確認すると起動している事がわかります。

$ docker ps
4139c4a127fa   mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   19 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds >10000/tcp,>10001/tcp,>10002/tcp   azlite_299a4b7d-9