Jericho 3.3リリース、HTML解像器

2986 ワード

Jericho 3.3は重要なバグ修復と改良を含んでいます。Jericho HTML解析器はJavaライブラリであり、一部のHTMLファイルを分析して操作しています。この中にはサーバー端のラベルが含まれています。認識できないまたは無効なHTMLをフィルタリングしています。また、高いレベルのHTMLフォームの操作関数を提供します。
3.3   (2012-10-31)        - Bug Fixes:          - [3581664] CharacterReference.decode() does not decode entities            containing digits - ½ ¼ ¾ ¹ ² ³            ∴          - [3311286] SourceCompactor does not respect TEXTAREA          - [3519131] Renderer output incorrect when constructed with an            Element object.          - [3538829] Renderer output of font decoration on block boundaries            incorrect.          - Segment.getAllStartTags(name) and Segment.getFirstElement(name)            do not work if the argument contains upper case characters.          - The end delimiter of a common server tag inside an escaped server            tag is falsely recognised as the end delimiter of the escaped tag.        - CHANGES THAT COULD AFFECT THE BEHAVIOUR OF EXISTING PROGRAMS:          - [3427073] Segment.getStyleURISegments() now includes style element            content as well as style attribute values.          - [3427927] Segment.getURIAttributes() now includes the archive            attributes of object and applet elements.          - Comments no longer recognised inside script elements during full            sequential parse. Previously they were recognised for compatibility            with major browsers but modern browser behaviour has changed.          - Changed the log level of all parsing errors from INFO to ERROR, and            the log level of the Source.fullSequentialParse() advisory message            from WARN to INFO. The previous levels gave the advisory message a            higher severity than the parsing errors, preventing logging systems            from hiding the advisory message while showing parsing errors.            Character encoding warnings remain unchanged at WARN level.          - Changed the behaviour of the Renderer.renderHyperlinkURL(StartTag)            method so that relative URLs are not rendered.          - Changed the behaviour of the Renderer so that hyperlink element            content is not rendered if it is the same as the hyperlink URL,            ignoring any http:// prefix or / suffix.          - EndTag.tidy() now removes whitespace before the closing bracket.        - Added Source(File) constructor.        - Added OutputDocument.getSegment() method.        - Added OutputDocument.remove(int begin, int end) method.        - Added Renderer.setHRLineLength() method.        - Added RenderToText.jsp webapp sample.        - Added Segment.getRowColumnVector() method.        - Encoding detection now ignores common encodings specified in meta tags          that have a code unit size incompatible with the preliminary encoding.        - Upgraded to the following logger APIs:          slf4j-api-1.7.2, log4j-1.2.17