adb、adb shell am、adb shell pmコマンドの詳細な使用説明

adb >adb.txt 2>&1
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31

 -a                            - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection
 -d                            - directs command to the only connected USB device
                                 returns an error if more than one USB device is present.
 -e                            - directs command to the only running emulator.
                                 returns an error if more than one emulator is running.
 -s           - directs command to the device or emulator with the given
                                 serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL
                                 environment variable.
 -p      - simple product name like 'sooner', or
                                 a relative/absolute path to a product
                                 out directory like 'out/target/product/sooner'.
                                 If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT
                                 environment variable is used, which must
                                 be an absolute path.
 -H                            - Name of adb server host (default: localhost)
 -P                            - Port of adb server (default: 5037)
 devices [-l]                  - list all connected devices
                                 ('-l' will also list device qualifiers)
 connect [:]       - connect to a device via TCP/IP
                                 Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.
 disconnect [[:]]  - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.
                                 Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.
                                 Using this command with no additional arguments
                                 will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices.

device commands:
  adb push [-p]  
                               - copy file/dir to device
                                 ('-p' to display the transfer progress)
  adb pull [-p] [-a]  []
                               - copy file/dir from device
                                 ('-p' to display the transfer progress)
                                 ('-a' means copy timestamp and mode)
  adb sync [  ]     - copy host->device only if changed
                                 (-l means list but don't copy)
                                 (see 'adb help all')
  adb shell                    - run remote shell interactively
  adb shell           - run remote shell command
  adb emu             - run emulator console command
  adb logcat [  ] - View device log
  adb forward --list           - list all forward socket connections.
                                 the format is a list of lines with the following format:
                                     " "  " "  "
" adb forward - forward socket connections forward specs are one of: tcp: localabstract: localreserved: localfilesystem: dev: jdwp: (remote only) adb forward --no-rebind - same as 'adb forward ' but fails if is already forwarded adb forward --remove - remove a specific forward socket connection adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport adb install [-l] [-r] [-d] [-s] [--algo --key --iv ] - push this package file to the device and install it ('-l' means forward-lock the app) ('-r' means reinstall the app, keeping its data) ('-d' means allow version code downgrade) ('-s' means install on SD card instead of internal storage) ('--algo', '--key', and '--iv' mean the file is encrypted already) adb uninstall [-k] - remove this app package from the device ('-k' means keep the data and cache directories) adb bugreport - return all information from the device that should be included in a bug report. adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [] - write an archive of the device's data to . If no -f option is supplied then the data is written to "backup.ab" in the current directory. (-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves in the archive; the default is noapk.) (-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion (aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default is noobb.) (-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device's shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.) (-all means to back up all installed applications) (-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes system applications; the default is to include system apps) ( is the list of applications to be backed up. If the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the command line will be included even if -nosystem would ordinarily cause them to be omitted.) adb restore - restore device contents from the backup archive adb help - show this help message adb version - show version num scripting: adb wait-for-device - block until device is online adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device adb get-serialno - prints: adb get-devpath - prints: adb status-window - continuously print device status for a specified device adb remount - remounts the /system partition on the device read-write adb reboot [bootloader|recovery] - reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program adb reboot-bootloader - reboots the device into the bootloader adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB adb tcpip - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port networking: adb ppp [parameters] - Run PPP over USB. Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection. refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1 [parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns adb sync notes: adb sync [ ] can be interpreted in several ways: - If is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will be updated. - If it is "system" or "data", only the corresponding partition is updated. environmental variables: ADB_TRACE - Print debug information. A comma separated list of the following values 1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync, sysdeps, transport, jdwp ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given. ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.
adb shell am >am.txt 2>&1
usage: am [subcommand] [options]

usage: am start [-D] [-W] [-P ] [--start-profiler ]

               [--R COUNT] [-S] [--opengl-trace]

               [--user  | current] 

       am startservice [--user  | current] 

       am stopservice [--user  | current] 

       am force-stop [--user  | all | current] 

       am kill [--user  | all | current] 

       am kill-all

       am broadcast [--user  | all | current] 

       am instrument [-r] [-e  ] [-p ] [-w]

               [--user  | current]


       am profile start [--user  current]  

       am profile stop [--user  current] []

       am dumpheap [--user  current] [-n]  

       am set-debug-app [-w] [--persistent] 

       am clear-debug-app

       am monitor [--gdb ]

       am hang [--allow-restart]

       am restart

       am idle-maintenance

       am screen-compat [on|off] 

       am to-uri [INTENT]

       am to-intent-uri [INTENT]

       am switch-user 

       am stop-user 

       am stack create    

       am stack movetask   [true|false]

       am stack resize  

       am stack boxes

       am stack box 

am start: start an Activity.  Options are:

    -D: enable debugging

    -W: wait for launch to complete

    --start-profiler : start profiler and send results to 

    -P : like above, but profiling stops when app goes idle

    -R: repeat the activity launch  times.  Prior to each repeat,

        the top activity will be finished.

    -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity

    --opengl-trace: enable tracing of OpenGL functions

    --user  | current: Specify which user to run as; if not

        specified then run as the current user.

am startservice: start a Service.  Options are:

    --user  | current: Specify which user to run as; if not

        specified then run as the current user.

am stopservice: stop a Service.  Options are:

    --user  | current: Specify which user to run as; if not

        specified then run as the current user.

am force-stop: force stop everything associated with .

    --user  | all | current: Specify user to force stop;

        all users if not specified.

am kill: Kill all processes associated with .  Only kills.

  processes that are safe to kill -- that is, will not impact the user


    --user  | all | current: Specify user whose processes to kill;

        all users if not specified.

am kill-all: Kill all background processes.

am broadcast: send a broadcast Intent.  Options are:

    --user  | all | current: Specify which user to send to; if not

        specified then send to all users.

    --receiver-permission : Require receiver to hold permission.

am instrument: start an Instrumentation.  Typically this target 

  is the form /.  Options are:

    -r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT).  Use with

        [-e perf true] to generate raw output for performance measurements.

    -e  : set argument  to .  For test runners a

        common form is [-e  [,...]].

    -p : write profiling data to 

    -w: wait for instrumentation to finish before returning.  Required for

        test runners.

    --user  | current: Specify user instrumentation runs in;

        current user if not specified.

    --no-window-animation: turn off window animations while running.

am profile: start and stop profiler on a process.  The given  argument

  may be either a process name or pid.  Options are:

    --user  | current: When supplying a process name,

        specify user of process to profile; uses current user if not specified.

am dumpheap: dump the heap of a process.  The given  argument may

  be either a process name or pid.  Options are:

    -n: dump native heap instead of managed heap

    --user  | current: When supplying a process name,

        specify user of process to dump; uses current user if not specified.

am set-debug-app: set application  to debug.  Options are:

    -w: wait for debugger when application starts

    --persistent: retain this value

am clear-debug-app: clear the previously set-debug-app.

am bug-report: request bug report generation; will launch UI

    when done to select where it should be delivered.

am monitor: start monitoring for crashes or ANRs.

    --gdb: start gdbserv on the given port at crash/ANR

am hang: hang the system.

    --allow-restart: allow watchdog to perform normal system restart

am restart: restart the user-space system.

am idle-maintenance: perform idle maintenance now.

am screen-compat: control screen compatibility mode of .

am to-uri: print the given Intent specification as a URI.

am to-intent-uri: print the given Intent specification as an intent: URI.

am switch-user: switch to put USER_ID in the foreground, starting

  execution of that user if it is currently stopped.

am stop-user: stop execution of USER_ID, not allowing it to run any

  code until a later explicit switch to it.

am stack create: create a new stack relative to an existing one.

   : the task to populate the new stack with. Must exist.

   : existing stack box's id.

   : 0: before , per RTL/LTR configuration,

               1: after , per RTL/LTR configuration,

               2: to left of ,

               3: to right of ,               
               4: above , 
               5: below 

   : float between 0.2 and 0.8 inclusive.

am stack movetask: move  from its current stack to the top (true) or   bottom (false) of .

am stack resize: change  relative size to new .

am stack boxes: list the hierarchy of stack boxes and their contents.

am stack box: list the hierarchy of stack boxes rooted at .

 specifications include these flags and arguments:

    [-a ] [-d ] [-t ]

    [-c  [-c ] ...]

    [-e|--es   ...]

    [--esn  ...]

    [--ez   ...]

    [--ei   ...]

    [--el   ...]

    [--ef   ...]

    [--eu   ...]

    [--ecn  ]

    [--eia  [, [, [,] [-f ]

    [--grant-read-uri-permission] [--grant-write-uri-permission]

    [--debug-log-resolution] [--exclude-stopped-packages]


    [--activity-brought-to-front] [--activity-clear-top]

    [--activity-clear-when-task-reset] [--activity-exclude-from-recents]

    [--activity-launched-from-history] [--activity-multiple-task]

    [--activity-no-animation] [--activity-no-history]

    [--activity-no-user-action] [--activity-previous-is-top]

    [--activity-reorder-to-front] [--activity-reset-task-if-needed]

    [--activity-single-top] [--activity-clear-task]


    [--receiver-registered-only] [--receiver-replace-pending]


    [ |  | ]

Error: No intent supplied
adb shell pm >pm.txt 2>&1
usage: pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER]

       pm list permission-groups

       pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP]

       pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE]

       pm list features

       pm list libraries

       pm list users

       pm path PACKAGE

       pm dump PACKAGE

       pm install [-l] [-r] [-t] [-i INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME] [-s] [-f]

                  [--algo  --key  --iv ]

                  [--originating-uri ] [--referrer ] PATH

       pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE

       pm clear [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE

       pm enable [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm disable [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm disable-user [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm disable-until-used [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm block [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm unblock [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT

       pm grant PACKAGE PERMISSION

       pm revoke PACKAGE PERMISSION

       pm set-install-location [0/auto] [1/internal] [2/external]

       pm get-install-location

       pm set-permission-enforced PERMISSION [true|false]

       pm trim-caches DESIRED_FREE_SPACE

       pm create-user USER_NAME

       pm remove-user USER_ID

       pm get-max-users

pm list packages: prints all packages, optionally only

  those whose package name contains the text in FILTER.  Options:

    -f: see their associated file.

    -d: filter to only show disbled packages.

    -e: filter to only show enabled packages.

    -s: filter to only show system packages.

    -3: filter to only show third party packages.

    -i: see the installer for the packages.

    -u: also include uninstalled packages.

pm list permission-groups: prints all known permission groups.

pm list permissions: prints all known permissions, optionally only

  those in GROUP.  Options:

    -g: organize by group.

    -f: print all information.

    -s: short summary.

    -d: only list dangerous permissions.

    -u: list only the permissions users will see.

pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally

  supply  to list the test packages for a particular

  application.  Options:

    -f: list the .apk file for the test package.

pm list features: prints all features of the system.

pm list users: prints all users on the system.

pm path: print the path to the .apk of the given PACKAGE.

pm dump: print system state associated w ith the given PACKAGE.

pm install: installs a package to the system.  Options:

    -l: install the package with FORWARD_LOCK.

    -r: reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data.

    -t: allow test .apks to be installed.

    -i: specify the installer package name.

    -s: install package on sdcard.

    -f: install package on internal flash.

    -d: allow version code downgrade.

pm uninstall: removes a package from the system. Options:

    -k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal.

pm clear: deletes all data associated with a package.

pm enable, disable, disable-user, disable-until-used: these commands

  change the enabled state of a given package or component (written

  as "package/class").

pm grant, revoke: these commands either grant or revoke permissions

  to applications.  Only optional permissions the application has

  declared can be granted or revoked.

pm get-install-location: returns the current install location.

    0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location

    1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage

    2 [external]: Install on external media

pm set-install-location: changes the default install location.

  NOTE: this is only intended for debugging; using this can cause

  applications to break and other undersireable behavior.

    0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location

    1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage

    2 [external]: Install on external media

pm trim-caches: trim cache files to reach the given free space.

pm create-user: create a new user with the given USER_NAME,

  printing the new user identifier of the user.

pm remove-user: remove the user with the given USER_IDENTIFIER,

  deleting all data associated with that user