
KEYSPACE1' = pycassa.ConnectionPool('KEYSPACE1') COLUMNFAMILY1 = pycassa.ColumnFamily(KEYSPACE1', 'COLUMNFAMILY1') #va=COLUMNFAMILY1.get('test1')       100  va=COLUMNFAMILY1.get('test1',column_count=300)
get(key[,columns][,columnustart][,columnfinish][,columnuurversed]][,columnucount]][,include meestamp]][,super ucolumn]、[,readCans sistencyulevere] 
Fetch all or part of the row with key. 
The columns fetch may be limited to a specified list of column names using columns.
 Alternative ely,you may fetch a slice of columns or super columns from a row using column_start,column_finish、and column_count.Setting these will cause columns or super columns to be fetch starting with column_start、continuing until column_count columns or super columns have been fetch or column_finish is reached.If column_start is left the empty string、the slice will begin with the start of the row;leaving column_finish blank will cause the sless to exted to the end of the row.Note that column_count defaults to 100、so rows over this size will not be copletely fetch ed by default.
 If column_reversed is True,columns are fetch ed in reverse sorted order,begining with column_start.In this case,if column_start is the empty string,the slice will begin with the end of the row. 
You may fetch all or part of only a single super column by setting super_column.If this set、column_start,column_finish、column_count,and column_reversed will appley to the subcolumns of super_column.
 To include everry column's timestamp in the result set,set include_timestamp to True.Result will include a(value、timestamp)tuple for each column. 
If this is a standar column family,the return type is of the form{columnuname:columnuvalue}If this a super column family and super_column is not specified,the rerrouts are of the form{super ucolumn_name:{column_name,columnuvalue}.If super_column is set、the super column name will be excluded and the rerrouts are of the form{columnuname:columnuvalue}