
YUV(YCbCr)to RGBコンバージョン
May 6,2002
Recently,most digital video equipments,such as video recorder,DVD player and TV game,have component video output.The compnent video signal RGB video signal,but cannot connect Prot RGB Video Cringnect.Themont。トRGB converter to use old TV monitor or video equipment which does not have component video input.
For old RGB monitor…no,my print iPad aim is to generate RGB signal from component signal from PlayStation 2 for scan converter because recent shipped PlayStation 2 fixes configration of video output format to component video when used as DVDプレーヤー:-(Coverting the component signal into RGB signal can enjoy the game and DVD with highigquality picture.However,the PlayStation 2 can be fixed to RGB output configration with only a jumer wire.If Yoush witte to geonly RGB PlayStrem RGB
The theory of RGB to YUV conversion
The component video signals are generated by separating a luminance component and two chrominnce components from RGB signals with following formlae:
Y   = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B        Luminance component

R-Y = R - (0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B)
    = 0.701R - 0.587G - 0.114B        Chrominance component (Red)

B-Y = B - (0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B)
    = -0.299R - 0.587G + 0.886B       Chrominance component (Blue)
Note:The se parameters are for SDTV(525/625)、not for HDTV(750/1120)
G-Y crominaice component can also be generated.However,to rester the RGB signal,Y and two chrominnce components will do.The G-Y component contains least chrominnce in the three chrominnce componence components components componets components
When rester RGB signals from component signals、フォローwing formure are.
R = Y + (R-Y)
G = Y - 0.51(R-Y) - 0.186(B-Y)
B = Y + (B-Y)
The contetets of component video signal are these three signal s,Y,R-Y and B-Y.You will able to undedestand that thethese reress conversion.However,in ordededededereduce overalalalvidededesignal vidededesignal band dddbandndwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwidtotodededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededed.Human eyes are sensitive to luminance but not sensitive to chrominance.The quality of chrominnce components,such as band width,SNR and digitizing reolution,can be reduced compred with luminnce component.
The chrominance signal levels at the transfer line are normalized to luminance amplite because it isease to A-D,D-A conversion and transmittion process.Following are ration for thechrominance signals:
Cr = 0.713(R-Y)
Cb = 0.564(B-Y)
And sync puse is added to luminance signal as-0.3 V puses.The e e are the component video signals that is apering at/output point.Tynical signal levelst the interface connector are from+0.3
To convert component video signals into RGB video signals,the alith metic circurit corposed with some OAMPs is used.However,only it is not sufficent to build comple set,some glue logsis ares.sorequired.
Most Video signal outputexcept some hited equipments are AC coupled、DC retoe cirrcluit isneeeeeded to video input part.To remove syncpuss added to Y signal、blanking circccicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicityalsososorererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererecause to realize it with discrete components will be complex.Following mages show the generand wave form of blanking puse and clamping puse.Top one is Y input,below twore/BLANK and/CLAMP.Left mage near Horizontalablingnerge.com.ranger
In this project,not only RGB output,NTSC outs(YC and CVBS)also available.To encode RGB signals into NTSC signals,line locked clock is required to the NTSC encodedeso base clclock isgeneaatttwith a PLL locked to incococococococococococognal.If don thererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererereredededededededet t t t t t t s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s.If stininininininininininininininnot required.No special part is used in this project,most parts will able to be obatained with ease.OPAs can be replacced with equivalents which is hispeed voltage feed-back OPAS 50 MHz.Negative voltage nerator can canbe replace with DC.converty.
Relationsip of picture quality between component video and its source
ディfference between component video signal and YC video signal is the transfer method of chrominnce components.
At YC video signal,a色色色sub-carrier is modulated by two chrominance signals with quadrature balancd modulation,and trnsferred asa chrominncsignal.Thefore,the d bad bad band width th of romininininininscscscscscinininininininininininindedededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededeffffffffffd 33 degree from R-Y,B-Y axis is used instead of R-Y,B-Y signal,the band-width for I signal is 1.5 MHz,for Q signal is 0.5 MHz.However,most video decoders seem decode in R-Y,B-Y axis and both signals are 0.5 MHz.
At component video siglal,two chrominance signals are transferred with two separated lins directly.Thisisisisisisfull bad d width tranmittion.When video signal ffrom TV game whose sourse isisisisisisisisfrasesesesesesesesesesesesesepaparatesisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisis.In this case、component signal is better than YC signal.
Leftイメージshows the mage from component signal and right mage shows the mage from YC signal.You will able to recognize Difference between tweet mages,the色彩of green letters in the right mage diffused. 
At boundary between hair tips and skin、when chrominace band-width is limitted、the colors are mixed at coplex ara. 
When video source is DVD,the data on the DVD media isrecoded as 4:2:0 sampled data.The sampling method reduces horizontal and verticacal rererererecocococorererererererecocococorererererererererererererecocococococococococorererererererererelation of of cocococorerererererererererererererererererecococococococococomomomomomomomomomomotion of of of of chininininininininininininininininininininininininininininrence between the video signals at most naural picrures except for CG pictures.
Thus YC signal is sufficient for DVD.However as for HDTV signals,they cannot trans as YC signal.In this case,there is not thatのmeit of the compnent signal.
Technical Data
  • Circurit Diagram 1(This project)
  • PLD(U 7)equations This will able to be fitted to most CPLDs.
  • Circurit board
  • Curuit board
  • Circurit Diagram 2(Simplified Lv.1) NTSCアウトレットエリア
  • Circurit Diagram 3(Simplified Lv.2) BG part is omitted(Sync on RGB)
  • Circurit Diagram 4(RGB to YUV) Using old game machine with new TV(Component input)