Virtual boxのインストールに失敗しました。Win VerityTrust failedを表示します。

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Virtual boxのインストールに失敗しました。Win VerityTrust failedを表示します。 
For reasons I cannot disclose,I need to install a Linux server within a Virtual Box host running in Windows Server 2003.Unfortunally,Virtual Box fails to start,giving me an error that seems to indicate could theable of
Win VerityTrust failed on stub executable:Win VerityTrust failed with hrc=CERT_同前CHAINING on'\Device\HarddiskVolume 1\Program Files\Oracle\Virtual Box\Virtual Box.exe'(rc=-22919)
System details:
  • Operating system:Windows Server 2003 SP 1
  • Last udated:unknown
  • Virtual Box version:5.0
  • I did do some rerecerch on my own,which pointed to a failed udate.I tempted to run Windows Update to fix it,but it failed with multile errors.I tried removing SoftwareDistribution and retating the Windows Update serbusters。
    Another inquiry led me to this,which directed me to install the executable's certifticate.I followed the article's instructions,and installed Symant's cestifticate(under countersignature)for good good。
    Finally、I tried clearing the CRL cache by running certutil -urlcache crl delete in cmd and rebootting.Unfortunally、that did not work ether.
    The Win VerityTrust problem seems to occur due to lack of an apprate CA root certificate installed within the Windows Trusted Root Citication Authorties store.
    To solive the issue,you can try installing whichever of the VeriSign Public Primary Crtiiication Authororit root certiicate(s)aply to you.For example,in my case,I required the VeriShinign Clalaclasassisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisit 3 PPPPPPPut PrPratytyty 3 PPPPut PrPrPrPrPrPrPrPratytytytytytytytytytytytytyty PrPrPrPrPrPrattttttttあなたのcan change the certifile's extension to.crt then doub-click it and click'Install Centifiat'.It shout aut matricallybe installed to the apprate store.After installation.Virtatch.