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Developing Applications with IBM FileNet P8 APIs

Chapter 1. Platform and API overview
Chapter 2. Setting up development environments
Chapter 3. Introduction to Content Engine API programming
Chapter 4. Advanced Content Engine API programming
Chapter 5. Introduction to Process Engine API programming
Chapter 6. Advanced Process Engine API programming
Chapter 7. Sample applications for Fictional Auto Rental Company A
Chapter 8. Logging and troubleshooting
Appendix A. Additional material

Figures ---------------------------. ix
Notices ---------------------------xiii
Trademarks -------------------------. xiv
Preface --------------------------- xv
The team who wrote this book ------------------. xvi
Become a published author -------------------xviii
Comments welcome ----------------------xviii
Chapter 1. Platform and API overview---------------1
1.1 Platform overview ----------------------2
1.2 IBM FileNet API overview -------------------3
1.2.1 Content Engine APIs -------------------4
1.2.2 Process Engine APIs ------------------. 7
1.2.3 Records Manager Java API ----------------8
1.2.4 The eForms APIs --------------------8
1.2.5 Capture APIs ----------------------8
1.2.6 Image Services Resource Adapter -------------. 9
1.3 Communication between applications --------------. 9
Chapter 2. Setting up development environments---------. 13
2.1 Content Engine Java development setup ------------. 14
2.1.1 Required libraries -------------------. 14
2.1.2 Transport protocols -------------------14
2.1.3 Thick client versus thin client requirements ---------. 15
2.1.4 Sample Content Engine Java API application setup in Eclipse --22
2.2 Process Engine Java development setup ------------. 27
2.2.1 Required libraries -------------------. 27
2.3 .NET environment setup for CE and PE -------------29
2.3.1 Prerequisites ---------------------. 29
2.3.2 Running the sample application supplied by IBM -------. 29
2.3.3 Configuring VisualStudio.NET 2005 ------------. 30
2.4 PE REST API sample code development setup ----------33
2.5 ECM Widgets development setup ---------------. 38
Chapter 3. Introduction to Content Engine API programming ----. 39
3.1 Content Engine API class overview --------------. 40
3.1.1 Content Engine API class model--------------40
iv Developing Applications with IBM FileNet P8 APIs
3.2 Making the initial connection -----------------. 43
3.2.1 User authentication -------------------44
3.2.2 Java-------------------------45
3.2.3 .NET ------------------------. 48
3.3 Exception handling ---------------------49
3.4 Creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting objects --------. 52
3.4.1 Pending actions--------------------. 52
3.4.2 Creating objects --------------------52
3.4.3 Working with properties-----------------. 53
3.4.4 Retrieving objects -------------------. 58
3.4.5 Deleting objects--------------------. 60
3.4.6 Retrieving content -------------------. 61
3.4.7 Working with property filters ---------------. 66
3.5 getInstance() versus fetchInstance() --------------. 70
3.6 Querying -------------------------71
3.6.1 SearchSQL ----------------------72
3.6.2 Search scope ---------------------74
3.6.3 Content searches -------------------. 76
3.6.4 Paging support --------------------. 76
3.7 Viewing documents ---------------------78
3.7.1 User tokens ----------------------80
3.8 Batching and batch execution -----------------81
Chapter 4. Advanced Content Engine API programming ------. 87
4.1 Permissions and authorization ----------------. 88
4.2 Versioning ------------------------. 90
4.3 Relationships-----------------------. 94
4.3.1 Object-valued properties -----------------94
4.3.2 Filing in a folder --------------------. 95
4.3.3 Compound documents -----------------. 97
4.4 Annotations ------------------------99
4.5 Subscriptions and event actions ---------------. 102
4.6 Workflow subscriptions and workflow event actions --------105
4.7 Metadata discovery --------------------. 105
4.8 Dynamic security inheritance ----------------. 108
Chapter 5. Introduction to Process Engine API programming ----111
5.1 Process Engine API overview ----------------. 112
5.1.1 Functional groups -------------------113
5.1.2 Available API functionality ----------------114
5.1.3 Naming conventions ------------------115
5.1.4 Core classes ---------------------116
5.1.5 Functional relationship -----------------118
Contents v
5.2 Establishing a Process Engine session-------------119
5.2.1 Java API scenario -------------------119
5.2.2 PEWS API scenario ------------------121
5.2.3 REST API scenario ------------------. 123
5.3 Handling API exceptions ------------------. 123
5.3.1 VWException object ------------------124
5.3.2 Steps to handle an exception --------------. 124
5.4 Launching a workflow -------------------. 125
5.4.1 REST API scenario ------------------. 127
5.5 Search work items ---------------------129
5.5.1 Query a roster --------------------. 131
5.5.2 Workflow queues-------------------. 134
5.5.3 Query event log --------------------137
5.6 Process work items --------------------. 140
5.6.1 Retrieve step element -----------------. 140
5.6.2 Get step element parameters --------------. 143
5.6.3 Set step element parameter values ------------148
5.6.4 Complete work items------------------156
5.7 Work with process status ------------------162
5.7.1 Retrieve process history ----------------. 162
5.7.2 Retrieve process milestones ---------------165
Chapter 6. Advanced Process Engine API programming ------167
6.1 Component Integrator -------------------. 168
6.1.1 CE_Operations component ---------------. 168
6.1.2 Implementing a custom Java component ----------170
6.2 Application space, role, and workbasket ------------. 187
6.2.1 Retrieve role list -------------------. 188
6.2.2 Retrieve role description and attributes-----------189
6.2.3 Retrieve workbasket ------------------192
6.2.4 Query work items from workBasket ------------194
6.3 Resource navigation in Process Engine REST API --------199
6.4 ECM Widgets overview -------------------201
6.4.1 ECM Widgets concepts -----------------202
6.4.2 ECM Widgets system architecture ------------. 205
6.5 Building a custom Get Next In-basket widget ----------. 206
6.5.1 Use case for the Get Next widget -------------207
6.5.2 Setup development environment -------------209
6.5.3 Code structure of the Get Next widget -----------210
6.5.4 Defining the Get Next widget --------------. 211
6.5.5 Code skeleton for GetNext.js --------------. 213
6.5.6 Rendering the Get Next widget user interface --------215
6.5.7 Invoking PE REST service to fetch queue element ------215
vi Developing Applications with IBM FileNet P8 APIs
6.5.8 Invoking PE REST service to fetch role and In-basket list ---. 217
6.5.9 Deploying the widget ------------------217
6.5.10 Building the solution -----------------. 219
Chapter 7. Sample applications for Fictional Auto Rental Company A . 223
7.1 Introduction to sample applications --------------. 224
7.2 Business use cases--------------------. 225
7.3 User view of the sample applications -------------. 226
7.3.1 User view: Reservation Web application----------. 226
7.3.2 User view: Kiosk application ---------------230
7.3.3 User view: Agent handheld application -----------232
7.3.4 User view: Fleet Status Manager Web application ------. 232
7.3.5 User view: Billing Report application ------------237
7.4 Data model -----------------------. 239
7.4.1 Base classes ---------------------243
7.4.2 ITSOVechicle --------------------. 244
7.4.3 ITSOPhotoGallery -------------------247
7.4.4 ITSOThumbnail --------------------247
7.4.5 ITSOVehicleActivity------------------. 248
7.4.6 ITSOSingleton --------------------. 249
7.4.7 ITSORentalActivity ------------------. 250
7.4.8 ITSOMaintenanceActivity ----------------251
7.4.9 ITSODisposalActivity------------------253
7.4.10 ITSOIdleActivity-------------------. 254
7.4.11 ITSOCustomer -------------------. 254
7.4.12 ITSOCommentary ------------------. 255
7.4.13 ITSOFranchise -------------------. 257
7.4.14 ITSORole ---------------------. 258
7.5 Security model----------------------. 260
7.6 Workflows ------------------------262
7.6.1 Isolated region configuration ---------------263
7.6.2 Component queues ------------------. 263
7.6.3 Vehicle reservation workflow---------------264
7.6.4 Vehicle maintenance workflow --------------266
7.7 Internal architecture of sample applications -----------268
7.7.1 Architecture: Reservation Web application ---------. 268
7.7.2 Architecture: Kiosk application --------------270
7.7.3 Architecture: Fleet Status Manager Web application -----. 272
7.7.4 Architecture: Billing Report applicat ion -----------274
7.8 Deployment instructions for sample applications ---------276
7.8.1 Application package structure --------------. 278
7.8.2 Content Engine artifacts ----------------. 279
7.8.3 Process Engine artifacts ----------------. 285
Contents vii
7.8.4 Deployment: Reservation Web application ---------. 292
7.8.5 Deployment: Kiosk application --------------295
7.8.6 Deployment: Fleet Status Manager Web application -----. 296
7.8.7 Deployment: Billing Report application -----------299
Chapter 8. Logging and troubleshooting ------------. 305
8.1 Logging -------------------------306
8.1.1 CE Java API ---------------------306
8.1.2 CE .NET API ---------------------310
8.1.3 Content Engine Web Services --------------310
8.1.4 PE Java API ---------------------311
8.1.5 Process Engine Web Services --------------311
8.1.6 PE REST Service -------------------312
8.2 Troubleshooting----------------------312
8.2.1 log4j debugging --------------------312
8.2.2 Content Engine troubleshooting techniques ---------313
8.2.3 Process Engine troubleshooting techniques ---------313
8.2.4 Data must be gathered for troubleshooting ---------. 314
Appendix A. Additional material ----------------315
Locating the Web material -------------------. 315
Using the Web material --------------------. 316
System requirements for downloading the Web material ------. 316
How to use the Web material -----------------316
Related publications ---------------------317
IBM Redbooks ------------------------317
Online resources -----------------------317
How to get Redbooks ---------------------. 318
Help from IBM ------------------------318
Index ---------------------------. 319