5404 ワード
digraph G {
aize ="4,4";
Apply -> Functor;
Applicative -> Apply;
Bind -> Apply;
Monad -> Applicative;
Monad -> Bind;
Traversable -> Functor;
Traversable -> Foldable;
MonadPlus -> Monad;
MonadPlus -> Alternative;
Alternative -> Plus;
Alternative -> Applicative;
Plus -> Alt;
Alt -> Functor;
Extend -> Functor;
Comonad -> Extend;
MonadEff -> Monad;
Monoid -> Semigroup;
Ord -> Eq;
Enum -> Bounded;
BoundedOrd -> Ord;
BoundedOrd -> Bounded;
BooleanAlgebra -> Bounded;
Category -> Semigroupoid;
Costrong -> Profunctor;
Choice -> Profunctor;
Strong -> Profunctor;
Wander -> Strong;
Wander -> Choice;
Arrow -> Category;
Arrow -> Strong;
ArrowZero -> Arrow;
ModuloSemiring -> Semiring;
Ring -> Semiring;
DivisionRing -> Ring;
DivisionRing -> ModuloSemiring;
Num -> DivisionRing;
Bitraversable -> Bifunctor;
Bitraversable -> Bifoldable;
Author And Source
この問題について(PureScriptの型クラス階層), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました https://qiita.com/hiruberuto/items/281170191cacea77b1cd著者帰属:元の著者の情報は、元のURLに含まれています。著作権は原作者に属する。
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