
31675 ワード

  • Permutation in String
  • 構想と解答
  • 回答
  • Flatten Nested List Iterator
  • 構想と解答
  • 回答
  • Count and Say
  • 構想と解答
  • 回答
  • Majority Element
  • 構想と解答
  • 回答
  • Count Primes
  • 構想と解答
  • 回答

  • 注意して、答えはただ他人が書いたコードを代表して、正しいですが、テスト(例えばタイムアウト)に合格するとは限らない.列挙するのはただそれらが独特なところを持っているだけで、大部分は確かに私より良いですが.

    Permutation in String


    Given two strings s1 and s2, write a function to return true if s2 contains the permutation of s1. In other words, one of the first string’s permutations is the substring of the second string.


    class Solution(object):
        def checkInclusion(self, s1, s2):
            :type s1: str
            :type s2: str
            :rtype: bool
            d = collections.defaultdict(int)
            for s in s1:
                d[s] -= 1
            l = len(s1)
            for k,v in enumerate(s2):
                if k < l:
                    d[v] += 1
                    if not d[v]:del d[v]
                    d[v] += 1
                    d[s2[k-l]] -= 1
                    if not d[v]: del d[v]
                    if not d[s2[k-l]] : del d[s2[k-l]]
                if not d: return True
            return False


    def checkInclusion(self, s1, s2):
        A = [ord(x) - ord('a') for x in s1]
        B = [ord(x) - ord('a') for x in s2]
        target = [0] * 26
        for x in A:
            target[x] += 1
        window = [0] * 26
        for i, x in enumerate(B):
            window[x] += 1
            if i >= len(A):
                window[B[i - len(A)]] -= 1
            if window == target:
                return True
        return False

    class Solution(object):
        def checkInclusion(self, s1, s2):
            return len(self.minWindow(s2, s1)) == len(s1)
        # Copied&pasted old problem's solution
        def minWindow(self, s, t):
            need, missing = collections.Counter(t), len(t)
            i = I = J = 0
            for j, c in enumerate(s, 1):
                missing -= need[c] > 0
                need[c] -= 1
                if not missing:
                    while i < j and need[s[i]] < 0:
                        need[s[i]] += 1
                        i += 1
                    if not J or j - i <= J - I:
                        I, J = i, j
            return s[I:J]


    Flatten Nested List Iterator


    Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it.
    Each element is either an integer, or a list – whose elements may also be integers or other lists.
    Example 1: Given the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]],
    By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,1,2,1,1].
    Example 2: Given the list [1,[4,[6]]],
    By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,4,6].


        def __init__(self, nestedList):
            Initialize your data structure here.
            :type nestedList: List[NestedInteger]
            self.l = nestedList[::-1]
        def next(self):
            :rtype: int
            return self.l.pop().getInteger()
        def hasNext(self):
            :rtype: bool
            while True:
                if self.l[-1].isInetger():
                    return True
                    self.l += self.l.pop().getList()[::-1]
                if not self.l:
                    return False

    class NestedIterator(object):
        def __init__(self, nestedList):
            Initialize your data structure here.
            :type nestedList: List[NestedInteger]
            self.l = nestedList[::-1]
        def next(self):
            :rtype: int
            return self.l.pop().getInteger()
        def hasNext(self):
            :rtype: bool
            while True:
                if not self.l:
                    return False
                if self.l[-1].isInteger():
                    return True
                    self.l += self.l.pop().getList()[::-1]



    class NestedIterator(object):
        def __init__(self, nestedList):
            Initialize your data structure here.
            :type nestedList: List[NestedInteger]
            self.stack = nestedList[::-1]
        def next(self):
            :rtype: int
            return self.stack.pop().getInteger()
        def hasNext(self):
            :rtype: bool
            while self.stack:
                top = self.stack[-1]
                if top.isInteger():
                    return True
                self.stack = self.stack[:-1] + top.getList()[::-1]
            return False

    class NestedIterator(object):
        def __init__(self, nestedList):
            self.stack = [[nestedList, 0]]
        def next(self):
            nestedList, i = self.stack[-1]
            self.stack[-1][1] += 1
            return nestedList[i].getInteger()
        def hasNext(self):
            s = self.stack
            while s:
                nestedList, i = s[-1]
                if i == len(nestedList):
                    x = nestedList[i]
                    if x.isInteger():
                        return True
                    s[-1][1] += 1
                    s.append([x.getList(), 0])
            return False

        def __init__(self, nestedList):
            def gen(nestedList):
                for x in nestedList:
                    if x.isInteger():
                        yield x.getInteger()
                        for y in gen(x.getList()):
                            yield y
            self.gen = gen(nestedList)
        def next(self):
            return self.value
        def hasNext(self):
                self.value = next(self.gen)
                return True
            except StopIteration:
                return False


    Count and Say


    The count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers with the first five terms as following:
  • 1
  • 11
  • 21
  • 1211
  • 111221 1 is read off as “one 1” or 11. 11 is read off as “two 1s” or 21. 21 is read off as “one 2, then one 1” or 1211. Given an integer n, generate the nth term of the count-and-say sequence.

  • Note: Each term of the sequence of integers will be represented as a string.
    Example 1:
    Input: 1 Output: “1” Example 2:
    Input: 4 Output: “1211”


    ?????? どういう意味か探してみましたが、この問題は面白いです.のでも本当にeasyなの?
    class Solution(object):
        def countAndSay(self, n):
            s = ['1']
            result = '1'
            for i in range(n-1):
                start = 0
                temp = []
                while start < len(s):
                    count = 1
                    next = start + 1
                    while next < len(s) and s[start] == s[next]:
                        next += 1
                        count += 1
                    start = next
                result = ''.join(temp)
                s = temp
            return result


     1 ... 
    def countAndSay(self, n):
        s = '1'
        for _ in range(n - 1):
            s = re.sub(r'(.)\1*', lambda m: str(len( +, s)
        return s
     2 ... 
    def countAndSay(self, n):
        s = '1'
        for _ in range(n - 1):
            s = ''.join(str(len(group)) + digit
                        for group, digit in re.findall(r'((.)\2*)', s))
        return s
     3 ... groupby
    def countAndSay(self, n):
        s = '1'
        for _ in range(n - 1):
            s = ''.join(str(len(list(group))) + digit
                        for digit, group in itertools.groupby(s))
        return s


    Majority Element


    Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times.
    You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always exist in the array.
    Credits: Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all test cases.


    class Solution(object):
        def majorityElement(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: int
            d,l = collections.defaultdict(int),len(nums)/2
            for num in nums:
                d[num] += 1
                if d[num] > l:
                    return num


    return sorted(num)[len(num)/2]

    # two pass + dictionary
    def majorityElement1(self, nums):
        dic = {}
        for num in nums:
            dic[num] = dic.get(num, 0) + 1
        for num in nums:
            if dic[num] > len(nums)//2:
                return num
    # one pass + dictionary
    def majorityElement2(self, nums):
        dic = {}
        for num in nums:
            if num not in dic:
                dic[num] = 1
            if dic[num] > len(nums)//2:
                return num
                dic[num] += 1 
    # TLE
    def majorityElement3(self, nums):
        for i in xrange(len(nums)):
            count = 0
            for j in xrange(len(nums)):
                if nums[j] == nums[i]:
                    count += 1
            if count > len(nums)//2:
                return nums[i]
    # Sotring            
    def majorityElement4(self, nums):
        return nums[len(nums)//2]
    # Bit manipulation    
    def majorityElement5(self, nums):
        bit = [0]*32
        for num in nums:
            for j in xrange(32):
                bit[j] += num >> j & 1
        res = 0
        for i, val in enumerate(bit):
            if val > len(nums)//2:
                # if the 31th bit if 1, 
                # it means it's a negative number 
                if i == 31:
                    res = -((1<<31)-res)
                    res |= 1 << i
        return res
    # Divide and Conquer
    def majorityElement6(self, nums):
        if not nums:
            return None
        if len(nums) == 1:
            return nums[0]
        a = self.majorityElement(nums[:len(nums)//2])
        b = self.majorityElement(nums[len(nums)//2:])
        if a == b:
            return a
        return [b, a][nums.count(a) > len(nums)//2]
    # the idea here is if a pair of elements from the
    # list is not the same, then delete both, the last 
    # remaining element is the majority number
    def majorityElement(self, nums):
        count, cand = 0, 0
        for num in nums:
            if num == cand:
                count += 1
            elif count == 0:
                cand, count = num, 1
                count -= 1
        return cand


    Count Primes


    Count the number of prime numbers less than a non-negative number, n.


    タイトルがよくわかりませんねprime numbersは質量数ですね.いいでしょう.の
    class Solution(object):
        def countPrimes(self, n):
            :type n: int
            :rtype: int
            if n < 3:return 0
            res = 1
            for i in xrange(3,n):
                for x in xrange(2,i):
                    if not i%x:
                    res += 1
            return res

            if n < 3:return 0
            res = 1
            l =[2]
            for i in xrange(3,n):
                for x in l:
                    if not i%x:
                    res += 1
            return res



    def countPrimes(self, n):
        if n <= 2:
            return 0
        res = [True] * n
        res[0] = res[1] = False
        for i in xrange(2, n):
            if res[i] == True:
                for j in xrange(i, (n-1)/i+1):
                    res[i*j] = False
        return sum(res)

            if n < 3:
                return 0
            arr = [True] * n
            arr[0] = arr[1] = False
            for i in range(2, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
                if arr[i]:
                    arr[i*i:n:i] = [False] * ((n - 1) // i - i + 1)
            return arr.count(True)  
