
5177 ワード


 * a tool of generating unit test case code skeletion for zendFramework
 * @author yongqiang
 * @time(2013-10-12)
class TestTools {

	public $args;
	private $_basePath;
	const ERROR_CODE_EXIT 			= 3;
	const ERROR_UNFUND				= 4;

	public function __construct() {
		$this->_basePath = '';

	public function init() {
		$shortOpt 	= "hn:M:csm";
		$longOpt 	= array("help", "name:", "module:", "controller", "service", "model");
		$options 	= getopt($shortOpt, $longOpt);

		if (isset($options['n']))
			$options['name'] = $options['n'];
		if (isset($options['M']))
			$options['module'] = $options['M'];
		if (isset($options['c']))
			$options['controller'] = $options['c'];
		if (isset($options['s']))
			$options['service'] = $options['s'];	
		if (isset($options['m']))
			$options['model'] = $options['m'];	

		$this->args = $options;

	public function parse() {
		if (isset($this->args['h']) || isset($this->args['help'])) {
		} elseif (!isset($this->args['name'][0])) {
		} else {

	public function getOriginalClass() {
		if (class_exists($this->args['name'], false)) {
			return true;
		if (isset($this->args['module'][0])) {
			$this->_basePath .= 'modules/' . $this->args['module'] . "/";
		if (isset($this->args['model'])) {
			$this->_basePath .= 'models/';
		} elseif (isset($this->args['service'])) {
			$this->_basePath .='services/';
		} elseif (isset($this->args['controller'])) {
			$this->_basePath .= 'controllers/';

		$file = APPLICATION_PATH . '/' . $this->_basePath . $this->args['name'] . '.php';
		if (is_file($file)) {
			require_once $file;	
		if (!class_exists($this->args['name'], false)) {

	public function generate() {
 		$className 	= $this->args['name'];
 		$date 		= date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 
 		$reflect 	= new ReflectionClass($className);
 		$methods 	= $reflect->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
 		$str = "<?php
require __DIR__ . '/Base.php';
* this is {$this->args['name']} unitTestCase code
* generated at {$date}
class {$className}Test extends Base{
"; foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($method->class == $className && substr($method->class, 0, 2) != '__') { $name = ucfirst($method->name); $str .= "
\tfunction test{$name}() {
"; } } $str .= "}
"; if(!is_dir($this->_basePath)) { mkdir($this->_basePath, 0755, true); } $file = $this->_basePath . $className . "Test.php"; if(is_file($file)) { $this->alert(self::ERROR_CODE_EXIT); } else { file_put_contents($file, $str); } } public function alert($errorCode) { switch ($errorCode) { case self::ERROR_LOST_PARAM_NAME : echo "the name of class must be hinted...
"; break; case self::ERROR_LOST_PARAM_OTHER : echo "one of the controller and service and model must be hinted...
"; break; case self::ERROR_CODE_EXIT : echo "the unitTestCase code has been exist...
"; break; case self::ERROR_UNFUND : echo "the class code can not be found...
"; break; default : self::help(); } //$this->help(); exit; } public static function help() { echo <<<HELP this tools can generate unitTestCase code skeleton. Options: -h, --help show this help message. -n, --name the name of class which will be taken to genenrate unitTestCase skeleton.the name is case insenstive. -M, --module hint the application module. -c, --controller hint the controller layer. -s, --service hint the service or business layer. -m, --model hint the model layer.
HELP; exit(0); } public static function my_load($class) { $path = str_replace('_', '/', $class); require_once $path . '.php'; } public static function main() { define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application')); set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array( realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'), get_include_path(), ))); spl_autoload_unregister('__autoload'); spl_autoload_register('TestTools::my_load'); $tools = new self(); $tools->generate(); } } TestTools::main();