rspec(5) - mock

2028 ワード

  • rspec(1) - summary
  • specs(2) - model
  • specs(3) - controller
  • specs(4) - request
  • specs(5) - mock
  • [specs(6) - mailer]
  • [specs(7) - view]
  • [specs(8) - routing]
  • [specs(9) - helper]
  • [specs(10) - factory-girl]
  • [specs(11) - fake other gems]
  • [specs(12) - sidekiq]
  • [specs(13) - db migration]
  • [specs(14) - timecop]
  • [specs(15) - jenkins]

  • here we talk about rspec-mock before we start to test our code, we need to prepare our sample data, it is so bored to create many objects repeatly in our test cases. of course, we write helper methods to save time. but this method is not flexible enough. because sometimes we want to change our object attributes we hope there is a method which provide a with any attributes and method accessible, and it is so opened that we can change it easily. yes, what you are looking for is mock - rspec-mock it provides so many useful features. let's talk about it.


    user = double('user') 

    now, you got a user object. assume it has name and 'sex`
    user = double(:user, name: 'zql', sex: 'male')
    # we access user's attributes eq 'zql' eq 'male'

    it looks like a OpenStruct.

    stub methods

    we can stub a method to an existed object.
    user = double()
    allow(user).to receive(:email) { "[email protected]" }
    expect( be"[email protected]"

    stub multiple methods to a existed object
    user = double()
    allow(user).to receive_messages(:foo => 2, :bar => 3)
    expect( eq 2
    expect( eq 3

    test method call

    user = double()
    expect(user).to receive(:foo)